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The story is told about what happened on a flight between a passenger and an air hostess. The passenger rang and told the air hostess (乘务员) that he needed a cup of __36__to take his medicine when the plane just took off. She told him that she would_37__him the water in ten minutes.
Thirty minutes later, when the passenger’s ring for_38__sounded, the air hostess was in a hurry. She was kept so_39__that she forgot to deliver (送) him the water. As a result, the passenger was_40__to take his medicine.She_41__over to him with a cup of water, but he_42__it.
In the following hours on the_43__, each time the air hostess passed by the _44__ she would ask him with a smile_45__he needed help or not. But the passenger__46_paid attention to her.
When the passenger was going to get__47__the plane, he asked the air hostess to__48_him the passengers’ booklet (意见薄). She was very__49__. She knew he would write down_50_words, which might result in the loss of her job. _51__with a smile she handed it to him.
Off the plane, she_52_the booklet, and cracked a smile, _53_the passenger put it, “On the flight, you asked me whether I need help or not for twelve times_54_. How can I refuse your twelve sincere(真诚的) smiles?”
That’s__55__! Who can refuse twelve sincere smiles from a person?
小题1:A.coffeeB.teaC.waterD.cola小题2:A.takeB.bringC.carryD.hold小题3:A.foodB.drink C.serviceD.medicine小题4:A.tired B.silentC.calm D.busy小题5:A.delayingB.delayedC.delaysD.delay小题6:A.hurried B.went C.came D.got小题7:A.refused B.accepted C.likedD.hated小题8:A.seatB.airC.floorD.flight小题9:A.customerB.passengerC.guestD.visitor小题10:A.whetherB.whenC.what D.that小题11:A.neverB.oftenC.alwaysD.seldom小题12:A.on B.toC.offD.from小题13:A.handB.take C.throwD.lend小题14:A.gladB.angry C.curiousD.sad小题15:A.goodB.sharpC.politeD.nice小题16:A.So B.BecauseC.AndD.But小题17:A.hidB.tore C.openedD.closed小题18:A.if B.forC.afterD.when小题19:A.in all B.above allC.or elseD.orso小题20:A.wrongB.wonderfulC.impossibleD.right
