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名著阅读。(3分) 中国古典名著中,有不少关于打斗的精彩描写,下面是摘录的两段: 【甲】张郃骤马到面前,一枪刺倒,却是一个草人。急勒马回时,帐后连珠炮起。一将当先,拦住去路,睁圆环眼,声如巨雷,挺矛跃马,直取张郃。两将在火光中,战到三 五十合…… 【乙】 鼓声响处,庞德出马曰:“吾奉魏王旨,特来取汝首!恐汝不信,备榇在此。汝 若怕死,早下马受降!”公大骂曰:“量汝一匹夫,亦何能为!可惜我青龙刀,斩汝鼠贼!”纵马舞刀,来取庞德。德轮刀来迎。二将战有百余合,精神倍长。两军各看得痴呆了。 【甲】语段写的是 (人名)大战张郃,【乙】语段写的是 (人名)大战庞德,两段文字均出自《 》。


【单选题】American pink slips continue to mount this winter, with the national unemployment rate reaching a postwar high of 7.2 percent for the month of December, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Job ...

And, for entrepreneurs, Feltes notes that the age-old problem of finding labor, especially in the service industry, won’t be as difficult. "There will be a lot more workers available, and that will be one bright side," he says. "We don’t think this is the end of the world. \

【单选题】American pink slips continue to mount this winter, with the national unemployment rate reaching a postwar high of 7.2 percent for the month of December, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Job ...

And, for entrepreneurs, Feltes notes that the age-old problem of finding labor, especially in the service industry, won’t be as difficult. "There will be a lot more workers available, and that will be one bright side," he says. "We don’t think this is the end of the world. \

【单选题】American pink slips continue to mount this winter, with the national unemployment rate reaching a postwar high of 7.2 percent for the month of December, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Job ...

And, for entrepreneurs, Feltes notes that the age-old problem of finding labor, especially in the service industry, won’t be as difficult. "There will be a lot more workers available, and that will be one bright side," he says. "We don’t think this is the end of the world. \