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请同时将本周完形填空总结的词汇黏贴到答案中,并以附件形式上传文档(缺一不可) 完形填空生词表的格式模版 第X篇完形填空生词表 班级 + 编号 + 姓名 Words/phrases Meaning My own sentences Synonyms comply vi.If someone or something complies with an order or set of rules, they do what is required or expected. 遵从 Some beaches had failed to comply with environmental regulations. abide by/obey/ observe convict vt.If someone is convicted of a crime, they are found guilty of that crime in a court of law. 证明 ... 有罪 n.A convict is someone who is in prison. 囚犯 -At the High Court in Dundee, a jury took two hours to convict him of murder. -There he is dimly recognized as a former convict by Javert (Russell Crowe), the local police inspector. Judge, sentence, doom, condemn ...... word 文档以编号 + 姓名 + 完形填空(第 X 篇)命名
