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Passage 1 词汇表 foreign language 外语 get your tongue round something “ 舌头转过弯来 ” ,正确发出 ... 音 vocabulary 词汇 grammar 语法 qualification 资格证书,文凭 second language 第二语言 open doors to something 为(新事物) 敞开大门,使 ... 成为可能 German 德语 French 法语 Spanish 西班牙语 Mandarin 普通话 get to grips with 理解,掌握 lingo 外语 translation 翻译 foreign language subject 外语学科 curriculum 全部课程 native English speaker 英语为母语者 tongue 语言 translator 译者,翻译家 set the course for 为 ... 指明方向 career 职业 测验与练习 1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 1. Which languages have seen the biggest decline in British students learning them? 2. True or false? Some students think translation technology can replace the need for learning another language. 3. What is suggested in the article about the effects on global business if we don't learn to speak other languages? 4. Why might it be considered a surprise that the numbers of students learning French and German has declined so much? 5. Which word used in the article means needing a lot of effort to be done successfully? Passage 2 词汇表 a recipe for disaster 后患无穷 staples 主食 baked beans 番茄汁烘黄豆 spaghetti bolognaise 意大利番茄肉酱面 jar sauces 罐装酱 rose harissa paste 哈里沙玫瑰辣酱 organic cider vinegar 有机苹果醋 bouillon powder (浓缩的)肉汤粉 vegan 纯素食的, 不食用任何动物产品的 Asian influences 亚洲影响 vegetarian 素食主义的 well-balanced (营养)均衡的 culinary 烹饪的 takeaways 外卖食品 microwave meals (加热即食的)微波食物 health-conscious 注重健康的 tomato ketchup 番茄酱 squeezy 挤压式的 a slap-up meal 一顿丰盛的大餐 测验与练习 1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 1. What's the main ingredient of spaghetti bolognaise? 2. According to the article, why might buying rose harissa paste be a problem for budgetconscious students? 3. What type of food does one student, named in the article, find cheaper and easier to cook? 4. True or false? Health-conscious students survive on takeaways and microwave meals. 5. Which word in the text means 'good at thinking of new, different and original ideas' ? Passage 3 词汇表 quirky 古怪奇特的 confusing 令人困惑的 peculiar 奇怪的 bizarre 怪诞的 raise (a few) eyebrows 引人惊诧,使人震惊 befuddle 使 ... 感到迷惑 idiosyncrasy 癖好 perplexing 令人费解的 puzzling 令人不解的 unorthodox 非传统的 unusual 不同寻常的 make sense 说得通 oddity 奇怪现象 eccentric 古怪的 mystifying 让人感到云里雾里的 there's a method to the madness 看似疯狂,实则有理 coherent 条理清晰的 comprehend 领会、理解 unfathomable 高深莫测的 in the know 知情的 测验与练习 1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 1. True or False: Driving on the left links back to ancient British history. 2. What did walking or riding on the left allow a person to do? 3. What is the problem with using an old-fashioned British sink? 4. What would happen to the 18th Century cups when they encountered boiling water? 5. Which word used in the article means 'to continue to exist'? Passage 4 词汇表 aroma (食物的)香气 brew 煮、冲(咖啡) connoisseur 行家 roasted 烤的 have a nose for 善于发现 ... ,有发现 ... 能力 origin 原产地 physiological response 生理反应 double espresso 双份浓缩咖啡 flat white (有奶泡的)白咖啡 make someone’s mouth water 使 ... 馋涎欲滴 caffeine hit 咖啡因的提神功效 beverage 饮料 to go 外带 sip 喝一小口、呷 deliver 送到 wake up and smell the coffee (告诉人) 认清形势 mug (装热饮用的)杯子 测验与练习 1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 1. Which country is the world's biggest coffee producer? 2. Name a style of coffee drink mentioned in the article. 3. Why might having a lid on a coffee cup spoil the taste? 4. True or false? Drinking coffee in a cafe means the cups don't get recycled. 5. Which word used in the article means 'easier to use/not causing difficulties'? Passage 5 词汇表 go 上厕所(口语) toilet 卫生间 bladder 膀胱 spend a penny 去卫生间方便一下 tie a knot in it 忍着(口语) busting 急着想上厕所 public lavatory 公共卫生间 loo 厕所(口语) go down the toilet 打水漂, 毁了(此处是双关用法) restroom 公共洗手间 have a tinkle 小便(儿童用语) relieve yourself 解手(礼貌说法) flush 付诸东流,抛弃 do your business 这里指上厕所 powder your nose 如厕(委婉说法) in the pipeline 在酝酿中,在筹备中 cross your legs (因憋着想上厕所而)交叉双腿 polish the porcelain 上厕所 测验与练习 1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 1. How many public toilets haven’t been looked after since 2010? 2. True or false: All toilet closures across the country have been the same. 3. What does Raymond Martin say about UK councils' responsibility to provide toilets? 4. How much will Network Rail charge for the public to use their toilets from 2019? 5. Which word in the text means 'the area an organisation has authority over'?
