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Before discussing different kinds of emotions, let us briefly talk about how researchers1 bodily processes, actions and behavior, and how this relates to what we do in our daily lives when we observe emotions in2.
Bodily processes can be directly measured by3of a polygraph. (测谎器)When a polygraph is skillfully used to4how we react bodily with what we are5 , it is called a 'lie detector'. Bodily processes can also be measured6. This is what we do when we observe someone blushing (脸红). However, we are not always7of what bodily processes respond to.
Measuring action8behavior is the other way researchers assess the emotions.9 , one measure of fear of snakes is how10 a person will go to the snake. Another procedure is to have a person11how afraid he is, or how he feels, in this way, researchers have 12the so-called 'fear thermometer' to assess a person’s fear.13our everyday living, we do very much the same thing. Only not too14 . We react to what a person does, what he says, 15he says it, and how he looks. Is he smiling? Is his voice trembling? We put all this16together to infer what a person is feeling.
17 , we do not always act as we feel. Sometimes we do things that we don’t feel like doing.18we say we feel one way and then we act another. Actors, for example, successfully learn to 'make believe' emotions, or learn to19them. Thus we20always tell what a person is feeling by what he says or by what he does.
小题1:A.measureB.describeC.makeD.use小题2:A.otherB.othersC.anotherD.the others小题3:A.waysB.methodsC.meansD.tools小题4:A.combineB.treatC.examineD.compare小题5:A.doingB.sayingC.observingD.carrying小题6:A.directlyB.indirectlyC.easilyD.difficultly小题7:A.afraidB.fondC.awareD.accused小题8:A.butB.soC.andD.or小题9:A.For exampleB.On one handC.As well asD.At times小题10:A.slowB.fastC.farD.close小题11:A.tellB.sayC.talkD.speak小题12:A.approvedB.discoveredC.developedD.informed小题13:A.DuringB.WithC.OnD.In小题14:A.skillfullyB.systematicallyC.naturallyD.ually小题15:A.whyB.whereC.howD.whether小题16:A.imaginationsB.observationsC.impressionsD.awareness小题17:A.ThereforeB.OtherwiseC.HoweverD.Anyway小题18:A.SometimeB.SomewayC.SometimesD.Anytime小题19:A.expressB.hideC.actD.say小题20:A.needn’t B.shan’tC.won’t D.Can’t
