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Cloze Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Please fill in the corresponding letter such as A, B,C or D etc. for each item on Answer Sheet. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Humans use water for three basic purposes: agriculture, industry, and domestic and municipal use. And the amount of water 1 to each person decrease as the population grows, 2 the possibility of water shortages. Water shortages will not come all at once in every part of the world. Just as the world’s population is 3 distributed by region, so is the annual 4 of renewable water. Rainfall and snowfall are 5 by uneven weather patterns and landscape, and as a result, some areas of the world get more precipitation than others. This leads to uneven 6 of water all over the world. Natural water scarcity has prompted many nations to try to increase their water supplies by building dams to catch water that otherwise would escape to the sea, or by sinking more and deeper wells. But these efforts can have 7 side effects than can contribute to water scarcity. Instead of building dams, some countries choose to increase their 8 to groundwater. But this practice increases the risk of overpumping aquifers ( 蓄水层 ). Pollution also affects the water supply, reducing the available water by it toxic or otherwise 9 for human use. Water shortages could also lead to international conflicts as countries 10 for limited water resources. Political tensions over water often appear when different nations lay claim to the same river, lake, or aquifer. According to the UN, more than 300 river basins and aquifers worldwide cross nations boundaries are creating the potential for conflicts. A. access B. positively C. deliberately D. compete E. negative F. distribution G. available H. determined I. unevenly J. unfit K. starved L. raising M. approach N. arising O. supply 1. Which one is for Question 1?
