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China's water cr shows pollution risks Chinese water use has 1) __________ with the growth in the number of factories and an increase in the consumption of people. Over the past years, getting clean water has been a struggle for many in China. The Water Expo China 2) __________ today with the question of how to deal with the increasingly severe water cr in this country. China is becoming drier as its fresh water 3) __________ have declined 13% year on year. Providing 4) __________ water for its population might become a major issue for China in the future. Experts say the main factors contributing to the water cr in China are increasing 5) __________ and industrial demand, 6) __________ use of water resources, pollution and climate change. These major factors of water cr in China have been in a way in line with the development. The country has a long history of 7) __________ floods, droughts and arguably faces an even bigger water cr today. One of the biggest problems is waste water. Factories and cities have 8) __________ untreated pollutants into rivers and lakes. The biggest problem in China is that there isn’t enough water mainly in some areas, and the water is polluted. Once the water is cleaned, there is the next problem that a lot of useful water is lost. As rivers become increasingly polluted, China will be forced to rely even more heavily on its underground aquifers ( ['ækwifə] 蓄水层) , unfortunately using up today what should be tomorrow’s water. In case of extreme and 9) __________ weather condition, the government should continue the construction of 10) __________ water projects, and supporting facilities at proper scale and up standards.
