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Sociobiology 1 The tightly organized societies of bees and ants...the hunting tactics of lion prides( 狮群)… the social hierarchies of monkey troops… These and dozens of other examples of animal behavi

21. According to the passage , all monkey troops are equal.

22. People have long been interested in animal behavior.

23. The last sentence of Para. I means that they are only regarded as
evidence for the remarkable variety of nature.

24. The second paragraph mainly tells about the superficial aspects of social

25. The third paragraph mainly tells about what affects the formation of one'
s behavior. towards one' s fellows.

26. More and more scientists participating in the study of sociobiology arc
convinced that human behavior. arises almost entirely from unique intellectual
and emotional capacities.

27. Some scientists believe sociobiology would affect their theories and

28. Sociobiology mainly studies modem human society.

29. Scientists believe that animals have similar behavioral patterns.

30. Darwinian theory plays a key role in the study of animal behavior. according to the passage.
