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Anyone Can Play
The most unhappy people live in their own little worlds of loneliness. They do very little for others and
1have much fun.
I heard of one man who was considered by the townspeople to be both2and . His
simplicity earned him the reputation of a miser (守财奴). When he died, everyone3to find a lot of
money in his home. But all they found were some4.
It came out that he had used most of his money to help5needy young students through college.
And the coins filled his6as he walked down the busy streets looking for7whose parking
meters (停车收费计) had run out. When he found one, he8 drop in a coin. One of his neighbors
commented, 'That explains why he looked so9!'
Of course! People who are willing to10others will always be happy. When I lived in Denver. I
decided to do the11thing. So whenever I parked on a busy12I noticed the parking meters
around me. If one was running out, I Would put in a coin.
Then I learned something 13. It is illegal to do that in Denver! Once I learned that I was breaking
the law, I quit looking for meters to feed. And I14an extra bit of joy.
I have moved15from Denver now and I just might go back to feed an expired (到期的) meter
from time to time.I don't know how the city government feels about my little16to drivers, but I do
know how it feels to be unavoidably late17to a parked car, and worrying about whether the meter has run out. And if I have to look over my shoulder18I deposit a coin, then somehow I think that may be more fun!
It can be a : do something19and don't get caught!
Everyone is allowed to20.
( )1. A. merely
( )2. A. rich
( )3. A. prepared
( )4. A. jewels
( )5. A. put
( )6. A. baggage
( )7. A. cars
( )8. A. could
( )9. A. shabby
( )10. A. pity
( )11. A. strange
( )12. A. city
( )13. A. disturbing
( )14. A. got
( )15. A. along
( )16. A. gifts
( )17. A. getting
( )18. A. after
( )19. A. specific
( )20. A. askB. likely
B. poor
B. waited
B. coins
B. pass
B. wallets
B. trucks
B. would
B. busy
B. help
B. proper
B. path
B. disgusting
B. found
B. away
B. talents
B. coming
B. before
B. bad
B. say C. surely
C. generous
C. expected
C. valuables
C. go
C. hands
C. drivers
C. might
C. happy
C. please
C. same
C. marketplace
C. shocking
C. lost
C. in
C. thoughts
C. walking
C. until
C. good
C. doD. rarely
D. humorous
D. tried
D. treasure
D. live
D. pockets
D. passengers
D. should
D. different
D. serve
D. funny
D. street
D. interesting
D. felt
D. on
D. wishes
D. returning
D. unless
D. ridiculous
D. play


