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September 20
Shop Hot.com
8794 Bellevue Plaza
Anchorage, AK 98347
Phone: 800-298-0183
Dear Mr. Sanchez,
Thank you for your call of September 19, in which you explained that you are interested in purchasing one of our winter coats. You said in that call that you live over 300 miles away from our nearest store, however, and that it would be too far to come in personally. You would therefore like to order online.
We’re sorry to state that our system is going through an upgrade right now, and at present, you can order only through offline methods. With this in mind, we have enclosed a form you can use.
Since you have told us that you already know which item you want, we have filled out the form in advance for you. All you need to do is fill in your credit card number in the appropriate space and sign and return the form in the prepaid business envelope provided. Your item will then be cleared for shipment from our warehouse 10 days after we receive the form, and will reach you approximately 20 days after that.
If you would like a different item from the one on the form, please wait until mid-October for our company’s catalog to arrive. That will have a full selection of other items for you to choose from, along with several sheets of order forms inside that you could use.
Either way, we welcome the opportunity to serve you. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Kevin Bldode
Customer Service Representative
Fairbanks Customer Service Center
kevin.blalock@ shophot.com
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Order Form
Item Unit Price Number Requested Total
dardine Leather Winter Coat $237.99 1 $237.99
(will ship from College City warehouse)
Tax: 6.8% $16.18
Subtotal: $254.17
Shipping: $15.34
Total: $269.51
Credit Card (Choose One):
Mistro Card / Vospa / Imex
Cardholder Information:
Name: Marvin Sanchez
Address: 16 Drury Lane Ketchikan, AK 90937
Ship To (If different from cardholder information):
Make a copy of this form to retain for your records. A receipt will be sent with your goods. We promise to repair or replace all our products within 15 days of products passing into customer ownership. No refunds.
Look for our Ketchikan Store-coming next year!
Order FormWhy did Kevin Blalock write to Marvin Sanchez

To respond to a request
To advertise new items
To update shipment status
To get product feedback



【单选题】What does the last sentence of paragraph 1 suggest ?() A.AMD may have a great success. B.AMD deserves such a success. C.AMD may be fortunate enough to succeed. D.AMD is likely to succee

It is a fair bet that more than half of the PCs bought this Christmas in America for less than $1 000 will have AMD rather than Intel inside. Not content with this seasonal miracle, Advanced Micro Devices is bidding to loosen Intel’s grip on the more profitable high end of the market too. It could well succeed.
For most of its existence, AMD has lived in the shadow of the deal that it did with Intel in 1982. To power its PCs, IBM had decided to buy Intel’s new x-86 chips, but wanted a second supplier to keep Intel under control. Under the terms of the agreement, Intel got the contract, but had to share its intellectual property with the smaller AMD. Intel broke the arrangement, AMD started a lawsuit, and thus began nearly a decade of bitter legal battles between the two companies.
The conflict misrepresented AMD’s business, absorbed management energy and weakened investor confidence. By selling cheap Intel clones(克隆产品), AMD staggered (蹒跚,摇晃) on, sometimes quite successfully, especially if Intel was late to market with a new product. But despite the support of computer makers complaining under Intel’s dominance, trying to get a lift on the back of an ill-tempered 8001b gorilla(大猩猩) was proving a risky form of existence.
Eventually, under a settlement in 1995, AMD gave up any rights to Intel microcode. It was confident that its home-grown k5 would give Intel’s Pentium a run for its money, while a new $1.8 billion plant in Texas would meet demand and match Intel’s manufacturing skills. It did not. Design faults put the k5 more than two years behind the Pentium, and the Austin plant lay largely idle.