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Substances which are made up of only one kind of atom are called S36 ______ and there are about a hundred of these -- the same S37 ______as there are kinds of atom. These are the substances from which everything else is made. Aristotle taught that there were four elements -- earth, air, fire, and water -- but he was very wrong. None of these is an element in any sense of the word and S38 ______ There is nothing obvious about the appearance of an element which makes it different from other substances, and this explains why man take so long to discover the building blocks from which his world is made, 0nly patient and S39 ______ were able to show that sulfur, copper, and diamond were elements, but air, water, and sand were not. S40 ______ but have to be prepared in the laboratory. For example, the two elements of which water is made are the gases oxygen and hydrogen; oxygen occurs in the air, but it is mixed with a large amount of other gases, and hydrogen is not even present in the air. S39


【单选题】What does the last sentence of paragraph 1 suggest ?() A.AMD may have a great success. B.AMD deserves such a success. C.AMD may be fortunate enough to succeed. D.AMD is likely to succee

It is a fair bet that more than half of the PCs bought this Christmas in America for less than $1 000 will have AMD rather than Intel inside. Not content with this seasonal miracle, Advanced Micro Devices is bidding to loosen Intel’s grip on the more profitable high end of the market too. It could well succeed.
For most of its existence, AMD has lived in the shadow of the deal that it did with Intel in 1982. To power its PCs, IBM had decided to buy Intel’s new x-86 chips, but wanted a second supplier to keep Intel under control. Under the terms of the agreement, Intel got the contract, but had to share its intellectual property with the smaller AMD. Intel broke the arrangement, AMD started a lawsuit, and thus began nearly a decade of bitter legal battles between the two companies.
The conflict misrepresented AMD’s business, absorbed management energy and weakened investor confidence. By selling cheap Intel clones(克隆产品), AMD staggered (蹒跚,摇晃) on, sometimes quite successfully, especially if Intel was late to market with a new product. But despite the support of computer makers complaining under Intel’s dominance, trying to get a lift on the back of an ill-tempered 8001b gorilla(大猩猩) was proving a risky form of existence.
Eventually, under a settlement in 1995, AMD gave up any rights to Intel microcode. It was confident that its home-grown k5 would give Intel’s Pentium a run for its money, while a new $1.8 billion plant in Texas would meet demand and match Intel’s manufacturing skills. It did not. Design faults put the k5 more than two years behind the Pentium, and the Austin plant lay largely idle.



【单选题】57() A.exclude within B.include C.are confined D.are included

In 1959 the (41) American family paid $ 989 (42) a year’ s supply of food. In 1972 the family paid $1 311. That was a price (43) of nearly one-third.
Every family has (44) this sort of experience. Everyone agrees that the cost of (45) a family has risen sharply. But there is less agreement (46) reasons for the rise are being discussed. Who is really (47)
Many blame the farmers who (48) the vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs and cheese (49) stores offer for (50) . According to the U.S. Department of (51) , the farmer’s share of the $ 1 311 spent by the family in 1972 was $ 521. This was thirty-one percent (52) than the farmer had received in 1959.
But farmers claim that this increase was very small (53) to the increase in their cost of (54) . Farmers tend to blame others for the sharp (55) in food prices. They particularly blame those who (56) the farm products after the products leave the farm. These (57) truck drives, meat packers, manufacturers of packages and other food containers, and the (58) of stores where food is sold. They are among the "middlemen" who stand (59) the farmer and the people who buy and eat the food. (60) middlemen the ones to blame for food price

