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Do you like bubble gum(泡泡糖)? Do you know when it was?
In the 1870s, an American discovered bubble gum.name was Thomas Adams. He wanted to find the use for a chicle(一种树胶). Chicle is a Spanishfor sticky water that comes from one kind of Mexican tree.
Mr. Adams wanted to make rubberchicle. He worked in his home while he tried to find a way to make the chicle become stronger. He had a sonname was Horatio. He also helped his father now and then.
One day, young Horatio began to chew(咀嚼) the chicle while he watched his father work. It did notvery good, but Horatio enjoyed chewing it. Then the young boy began to blow bubbles with the new chicle which his father had made. Mr. Adams had discovered bubble gum.
Mr. Adams gave up trying to find a way to make rubber., he wanted to try to sell the new gum that he had made. He thoughtpeople might like the taste, too.
He was. Soon, the new gum became more and more popular.
小题1:()A.createdB.createC.discoveredD.discover小题2:().A.HerB.MyC.YourD.His小题3:().A.wordB.meaningC.sentenceD.idea小题4:().A.ofB.fromC.withD.to小题5:()A.whomB.whichC.whoseD.who小题6:()A.tasteB.soundC.lookD.smell小题7:()A.by mistakeB.by accidentC.in timeD.for example小题8:()A.Instead ofB.Because ofC.InsteadD.Because小题9:()A.anotherB.otherC.the otherD.others小题10:()A.goodB.trueC.rightD.fine
