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Colors and Our Feelings
Color is very important in our life. It has a lot1with our feelings. So colors are sometimes called
2 , cool or neutral (中性的). Red and yellow are warm colors3they make a room feel warmer.
They also make the walls seem4to us than they really are. We say5blue and green arecold. They
can give us different feelings-the room feels cooler and the walls seem to be farther away. A neutral color
6one that does not affect our feelings. Brown and gray7neutral, but they may also be put into
warm or cool color that affect our feelings.
8is important to choose the right colors we want. Though red might be very good for a restaurant,
it would be wrong9an art gallery (画廊). People want to look at the pictures, not the walls behind. White
is used to make a small room look larger.10a room is very small, we can use white color for the walls.

( )1. A. to do
()2. A. dark
( )3. A. when
( )4. A. near
( )5. A. what
( )6. A. are
( )7. A. neither is
( )8. A. It
( )9. A. in
( )10. A. But

B. do
B. bright
B. why
B. more near
B. that
B. is
B. is neither
B. He
B. at
B. If C. does
C. hot
C. after
C. nearer
C. if
C. was
C. are both
C. That
C. under
C. So D. doing
D. warm
D. because
D. nearest
D. whether
D. were
D. both are
D. What
D. for
D. Until


