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Euthanasia (meaning "easy death" in Greek ) is the act of inducing a gentle, painless death. In recent (36) the term has come to mean deliberately ending life to pr (37) suffering. Passive euthanasia is discontinuing life-sustaining treatment of the ill or stopping so-called extraordinary (38) . Active euthanasia, or mercy killing, is putting to death a person who, due to disease or extreme age, can no longer lead a meaningful life: the term can also include an act of (39) euthanasia, or suicide, for similar reasons. Many physicians consider it good medical practice not to (40) prolong the life of a suffering person whose disease is (41) fatal. Instead, they provide comfort and relief while the patient (42) death. Passive euthanasia has recently gained (43) support in some countries. But an enduring ethical question is also raised. (44) The problem is intensified because the definition of death has become vague. Formerly a person was considered dead when breathing and heart action ceased. (45) Active euthanasia is generally regarded as a serious crime, but in some places it is not a crime. (46) .


【单选题】SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear three conversations. Each will be read only once. At the end of the conversation you Will be given 10 seconds to choose the answer which is the cl...

They are not helpful.
The boy cannot handle so much homework.
He has to give up many hobbies because of too much homework.
He likes watching sports games.