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Jeffrey Zaslow, the advice columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, grew up in sub Philadelphia. His biggest (36) in life was to be a writer. "I never wanted to be anything etse,"he says,"l was ten or eleven when I saw Gone with the Wind and I wrote my own (37) War stary." After earning a degree in (38) writing at Carnegie Mellon University, he got a job at a newspaper in Orlando, Florida. He made his mark with his article on the (39) working conditions endured by the people inside the Mickey and Minnie costumes at Walt Disney World. Later be became a (40) writer for the Wall Street Journal. In 1988, when the famous advice columnist, Ann Landers, (41) her job at the Chicago Sun- Times, the paper (42) a nationwide contest to find her replacement. Jeffrey Zaslow (43) . Among the 12, 000 contestants, women outnumbered men nine to one, (44) .When he reached the semifinals, his editors at the Journal ran a headline: "Why He’ll Never Make it". But Jeffrey did make it in the finals. Today, eigh years later, his column, "All that Jazz" is read by thousands of readers in the Chicago area. (45) . He is also greatly moved by the generosity, sincerity and good nature of his readers. "Wonderful people," he says, "do outnumber terrible people in this World. (46)


【单选题】The Future of the BBC As a boy growing up in the 1930s in the Midlands, Norman Painting, the son of a railway-man, listened to a new radio service from the British Broadcasting Corporation. His mother...

The BBC is no longer the dominant source of in-depth news.
The BBC is losing its audience.
The BBC programming is rapidly deteriorating in its quality.
The BBC is replaced by the multi-channel services.

【单选题】Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Because she has made an appointment.
Because she doesn’t want to.
Because she has to work.
Because she wants to eat in a new restaurant.