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Read carefully the following excerpt on paperless libraries and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: Summarize the main message of the except, and then Comment on whether paperless libraries will replace the traditional ones. You can support yourself with information from the excerpt. Will Paperless Libraries Replace the Traditional Ones? The world’s first completely paperless public library is located in Bexar County, Texas, in the United States. Bexar County’s so-called Biblio Tech is a low-cost project with big ambitions. Its first branch is in a relatively poor district on the south side of the city of San Antonio. It has 100 e-readers on loan, and dozens of screens where the public are able to browse, study, and learn digital skills. It is a truly bookless library -- although that is not a phrase much to the liking of BiblioTech’s project co-ordinator, Laura Cole. She prefers the description “digital library”-- after all, there are books there, but in digital form. Christopher Platt, director of collections and circulation at the New York Public Library, argued that accessing a digital version of a book was not enough. “People travel from all over the world to our library, not just to access an item, but to touch it and feel it in order to get a sense of the overall importance of the work,” he said. But “bookless” does not mean “cheap”. Publishers charge libraries up to five times the normal hardback ( 精装本 ) price for an e-book of a popular title , Christopher Platt said. And certain types of e-books simply do not work as well as printed books, especially when some library e-readers are still text-only . This was just one of many reasons, he felt, that bookless libraries would not be sweeping the board (大获全胜) just yet. Children’s author Alan Gibbons is a firm believer in the role of libraries, especially school libraries. Working in international schools in China and Thailand, Mr. Gibbons noted that even in the best schools where every child was given an iPad, the school library, stocked with real books, was seen as an important resource. Christopher Platt at the New York Public Library has another view on the bookless future: “It’s still early. We’ve spent 100 years getting the print stuff right, so it could be a while before we get the e-stuff right.” Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
