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The creation of a universal language uniting all mankind is an idea that has interested scholars for several centuries. It is an exciting idea! Imagine a language which can break down the barriers that tend to separate the different peoples of the world. The idea has not been left to gather dust. Various attempts have been made to invent such a language. The most widely known invented language, Esperanto, has about one million speakers, but very few speakers use it as their everyday language. Considering that the world population is already over four billion, this is not a truly popular universal language. In fact, no invented language has ever been widely accepted.
The suggestion has been made that a true universal language exists already. Margaret Mead, among others, recently proposed that sign language is the universal language pat excellence. According to this claim, sign language is not only universal, but easy to learn. It could, therefore, be used by anyone for world-wide communication.
This proposal was made also by early writers on sign language, such as the Abbe de I’ Epee, the French priest who founded public education for the deaf late in the 18th century, and Remy Valade, who wrote the first grammar book on French Sign Language in 1854. These authors believed that sign language imitates objects and s and presents them as they occur in nature, just as an artist paints the scene in front of him.
According to de. I’ Epee and Valade, there is one Sign Language, which is a natural language uniting deaf people everywhere in the world. They suggested that if hearing people learned to communicate in sign language, the world would have an excellent, ready-made universal language.
However, even a brief look at the known sign languages of the world invalidates this contention. American Sign Language, British Sign Language, Japanese Sign Language, Danish Sign Language, and other sign languages differ from each other as much as spoken languages differ. Just like different spoken languages, different sign languages are mutually unintelligible. For instance, a deaf person from Britain, who knows only his own sign language, cannot understand two deaf Americans signing to each other in ASL.
Today, linguists who study ASL believe that it is "natural" in the same sense that English, French, and Russian are natural languages. Every natural language plays an important role in the day-to-day life of the people who use it, providing a group of people with a means for communicating with each other as well as a means for passing on knowledge from generation to generation. Constantly changing, natural languages adapt to meet the new conditions and particular needs of subgroups of the community. It is through change and adapration that natural languages show their life.
On the other hand, a language such as Esperanto, invented to be a universal system, lacks the community roots so identifiable in natural languages. With the form of the language determined at the time of its invention, such a language remains changeless. Like a plastic flower, it has only the appearance of life.
Which of the following is NOT given as a feature of Esperanto

It is the most widely known invented language .
It is seldom used in daily life.
It is an improvement of natural languages.
It is meant to be a universal system.

【单选题】3() A. city B. capital C. edge D. margin

This large city does almost no manufacturing and very little wholesale trade. Yet without the important service (1) provides, business everywhere would quickly grind to a (2) . Chaos would reign in all other leading cities. As you have guessed, the "product" we are talking about is government, and the city is the (3) of the United States, Washington, D. C. One out of every two persons (4) in the city works for the federal government.
Washington has many (5) . It leads the nation in level of education achieved by its residents. More than fifteen percent of its adults have had four years or more of college. (6) scientists can be found here than in any other city. Since larger incomes are earned by (7) people, Washington has the highest median income of any city.
Information is the vital force of the city. The Library of Congress (8) the largest and most comprehensive warehouse of information in the world. It contains 74 million items on hundreds of miles of (9) . In addition to books, these (10) include manuscripts, maps, photographs and documents. Papers of the Presidents all the way back to Washington are found here. The library is (11) to the public. It is considered by (12) to be one of the finest in the world. These people study the documents found in libraries.
Washington has many important governmental buildings and historic shrines. (13) include the Capitol building, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Washington Monument. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing is (14) located here. This agency is responsible (15) putting new paper money into circulation. Tens of millions of dollars in money is (16) here every day.
Unlike most cities, which grow in jumbled masses, Washington was planned on paper (17) any of its buildings were erected. The planners incorporated broad open areas around the historic landmarks and buildings. As a result the city is (18) . The central part of the city (19) a huge green park with broad, tree-lined boulevards and splendid (20) of its great structures.



