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Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage. Cattle ranchers ( 牧场主 ) have had to sell portions of their herd for lack of water. Sacramento and other municipalities have 1 severe water restrictions. Ski resorts that normally open in December are still closed, at one here in the Sierra Nevada that is open, a bear 2 onto a slope full of skiers last week, 3 not hibernating ( 冬眠 ) because of the warm weather. The water shortage has Californians trying to deal with problems that usually 4 in midsummer. With little snow in the forecast, experts are warning that this drought, after one of the driest years on record last year, could be as 5 as the severe droughts of the 1970s. Under state law, that would allow the governor to "give up laws or regulations and expedite ( 加快 ) some funding," said Jeanine Jones, deputy drought manager for the State Department of Water Resources. "It does not create a new large pot of money for drought response or make federal funding 6 ." Signs of drought are everywhere, affecting vast sectors of the economy. A sense of 7 is building among farmers, many whom have already let fields to fallow ( 休耕的 ). Without more water, an 8 200 000 acres of prime agriculture land will go unplanted in Fresno County, according to Westlands Water District officials. Cattle ranchers 9 to letting cows graze on rain-fed grass have had to rely on bought hay or reduce their herds. Clergy of all faiths have been persuading the faithful to pray for 10. "May God open the heavens, and let his mercy rain down upon our fields and mountains," Bishop Jaime Soto said last week. A) accidentally B) accustomed C) apparently D) arise E) available F) composed G) disruptive H) dread I) estimated J) favor K) imposed L) indulgence M) precipitation N) sustainable O) wandered
