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The teacher sat cross-legged in front of the gathering of fourth grade students. She asked them what
kinds of things would1world peace. Immediately they began offering such2as 'Get rid of all the
bombs.' 'There ought to be a3against war.' The teacher rose to note each offering on the board. Once
the list was4 , she sat again with the children and asked them if there was anything5war in their lives.
They were6at first but ually they seemed to begin to7that the teacher Meant 'war' as a
metaphor (暗喻). One student said, 'My brother declares war on me when I8his things.' 'My Dad blows
up at bad drivers,' offered one girl.9said she did war with one of her dishonest friends.
10the thought appeared that all violence was in conflict with the idea of11. Through the discussion
the teacher12the concept that they could decrease violence and increase peace in their own lives by giving
up the idea of13with others. She asked them to14the rest of the week keeping track of the times when
they would choose to carry out peace15violence.
By the end of the week the students had experienced dozens of examples16violence and conflict had
been avoided in their17lives.
ually the class created a peace movement in the school. They helped rewrite school18that decreased
conflict. Homework became more inventive and19. Parent-teacher meetings always20activities of the
students (a dance, or an art or science exhibit). Cooperation became the primary path to peace.
( )1. A. break
( )2. A. cases
( )3. A. law
( )4. A. missing
( )5. A. but
( )6. A. puzzled
( )7. A. state
( )8. A. receive
( )9. A. Each
( )10. A. Luckily
( )11. A. peace
( )12. A. returned
( )13. A. joking
( )14. A. waste
( )15. A. aside from
( )16. A. that
( )17. A. political
( )18. A. rules
( )19. A. similar
( )20. A. started withB. ignore
B. s
B. will
B. necessary
B. like
B. frightened
B. prove
B. bother
B. Another
B. Suddenly
B. power
B. passed
B. fighting
B. appoint
B. away from
B. where
B. traditional
B. decisions
B. familiar
B. belonged to C. increase
C. chances
C. deal
C. against
C. excited
C. realize
C. collect
C. The one
C. Hopefully
C. culture
C. introduced
C. discussing
C. spend
C. regardless of
C. whether
C. personal
C. records
C. confusing
C. put up with D. witness
D. suggestions
D. duty
D. complete
D. after
D. encouraged
D. guess
D. reserve
D. The other
D. Finally
D. wealth
D. moved
D. working
D. finish
D. instead of
D. whose
D. natural
D. introductions
D. interesting
D. came up to
