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( ) 6 . What ______ do you like best? ---- I like P.E. best. A. color B. sport C. subject D.month ( ) 7 . We have no rice, Mom. What do we eat for lunch? ---- I ’ ll go to the store and _____ some now. A. buy B. sell C. finish D.get ( ) 8 . Today is my son ’ s _______ birthday. I buy a model plane for him. A. twelve B. twelfth C. the twelfth D. twelve th ( ) 9 . I want to see the movie Aquanman ( 《 海王 》 ). Do you know the _____ of the ticket ? —Yes. Five dollars. A. number B . price C. name D.address ( ) 10 . ----Does your broth er like strawberries? ----________. He likes them very much. Yes, he does . B. No. he doesn ’ t . C. Yes, he likes . D. Yes, he i s .
