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My nephew’s 10-year-old son came for a visit one hot, July weekend. I persuaded him to   inside and joined him in a . After   for an hour, I suggested that we relax for a while. I fell into my favorite recliner(躺椅)to let my neck muscles relax. He'd slipped out of the room and I was catching a few   moments of peace and quiet. "Look,Alice,” he said   as he ran over to the chair where I was sitting "I found a kite. Could we go outside and   it?" Glancing out a nearby window, I noticed it was   outside. “I'm sorry, Tripper,.” I said, sad to see his   eyes. "The wind is not blowing today. The kite won't fly.” The   10-year-old replied, “I think it's    enough. I can get it to fly,” he answered as he ran out to the back door   . Up and down in the yard he ran, pulling the kite   to a small length of string. He ran back and forth,as hard as his ten year-old    would carry him, looking back   at the kite behind. After about ten minutes of   determination, he came back in. I asked, "How did it go?" "Fine,”he said, not wanting to admit   .“I got it to fly some” As he walked past me to return the kite to the closet shelf, I heard him say under his breath, "I guess I'll have to wait for the   .” At that moment I heard another Voice speak to my   . "Alice, sometimes you are just like that. You want to do it your way   waiting for the Wind.” And the voice was right. We usually want to use our own efforts to   what we want to do. We wait for the Wind only after we have done all we can and have exhausted(耗尽)our own    .We must learn how to rely on Him in the first place! 小题1:. A.live B.study C.stay D.lie 小题2: . A.playing B.resting C.challenging D.arguing 小题3:. A.worried B.troubled C.excited D.enjoyable 小题4:. A.casually B.enthusiastically C.stubbornly D.deliberately 小题5:. A.decorate B.drop C.hang D.fly 小题6:. A.hot B.still C.noisy D.fine 小题7:. A.bright B.disappointed C.dull D.satisfied 小题8:. A.clever B.talented C.determined D.fearless 小题9:. A.sunny B.cloudy C.windy D.rainy 小题10:. A.hurriedly B.curiously C.suddenly D.unwillingly 小题11:. A.adapted B.added C.attached D.devoted 小题12:. A.mind B.body C.arms D.legs 小题13:. A.angrily B.nervously C.doubtfully D.hopefully 小题14: A.unsuccessful B.successful C.uncomfortable D.comfortable 小题15:. A.win B.defeat C.mistake D.luck 小题16:. A.wind B.order C.news D.sunshine 小题17:. A.heart B.memory C.dream D.world 小题18:. A.regardless of B.instead of C.in spite of D.in case of 小题19:. A.imagine B.decide C.apply D.accomplish 小题20: A.courage B.patience C.strength D.knowledge


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