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An automatic system usually consists of a control system and an information system. A control system is a system which measures the condition of some entity and, with the information, governs the state of a variable; i.e., speed, temperature, pressure, position, etc. The open-loop system is the st form a control system may assume. It is distinguished from the closed-loop system by the lack of an input which measures the state of the controlled variable; such an input is called a feedback. In modern ships the open-loop system has practically disappeared and the closed-loop system which operates with a feedback is extensively used.
An information system serves the parallel function of monitoring system or plant performance. The monitoring function may serve a number of purpose; specifically it may indicate values of controlled variables to guide remote control operations, warn of off-limit conditions and provide record of performance. In many cases a visual and audible alarm may be provided to warn of off-limit conditions on board ship and, associated with this, the important variables will be recorded on demand. The automatic control system can be more sophisticated by incorporating digital-processing equipment, that is, a computer. This computer is usually fed with signals from all sensors. It scans the values of the sensors and generates alarm signals for off-limit conditions, acting as a super-supervisor. Sometimes, it can even make necessary and take the necessary action to optimize performance without human intervention. (1)The closed-loop system differs from the open-loop system by_____. A. the lack of a feedback in a circuit B. the presence of a feed back C. the lack of a portable computer D. the presence of a portable computer (2)A feedback is an input_____. A. which governs the state of a variable B. which provides a visual and audible alarm C. which indicates values of controlled variables D. which measures the state of the controlled variable (3)The monitoring function may serve all of the following purposes except_____. A. instigating (激起;煽动) corrective action in a control system B. indicating values of controlled variables C. warning of off-limit conditions D. providing record of performance (4)The word "off-limit" in the passage may mean_____. A. off-set B. off-state C. within limits D. beyond the limit


【单选题】So many of us hold on to little resentments that may have stemmed from an argument, a misunderstanding, or some other painful event. Stubbornly, we wait for someone else to reach out to us—believing t...

People believe that they are always right.
People always wait for others to offer an apology first.
People consider the position more important than happiness.
People want to get an inner satisfaction.

【单选题】Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A]...

It is morally wrong and must be banned.
It poses a potential risk for the company.
It should not be interfered as a human right.
It’s better to go public for the sake of employees.

【单选题】So many of us hold on to little resentments that may have stemmed from an argument, a misunderstanding, or some other painful event. Stubbornly, we wait for someone else to reach out to us—believing t...

she had got an argument with her daughter-in-law
she had disagreed about her son"s marriage
she had got an argument about her daughter-in-law
she had disliked her son"s wife for many years

