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Greyhound racing is the sixth most (46) spectator sport in the United States. Over the last decade, a growing number of racers have been (47) to spend their retirement household pets, once their racing careers are over.
Many people hesitate to adopt a retired racing greyhound because they think only very old dogs are ava (48) Actually, even champion racers only work until they are about threeand-a half years old. Because greyhounds usually live to be 12 to 15years old, their retirement is much (49) than their racing careers.
People worry that a greyhound will be more (50) (nerve) and active than other breeds and will need a large sp (51) to run. These are false Impressions. Greyhounds have naturally sweet, mild dispositions, and while they love to run, they are sprinters rather than distance runners and are (52) . (sufficiency) exercised with a few daily laps around a fenced-in backyard.
Greyhounds do not make good watchdogs, (53) they are very good with children, get along well with other dogs(and usually cats as well), and are (54) (affection)and loyal. They are intelt, well-behaved dogs, usually housebroken in only a few days. A re (55) racing greyhound is a wonderful pet for almost anyone.


Greyhound racing is the sixth most (46) spectator sport in the United States. Over the last decade, a growing number of racers have been (47) to spend their retirement household pets, once their racing careers are over.
Many people hesitate to adopt a retired racing greyhound because they think only very old dogs are ava (48) Actually, even champion racers only work until they are about threeand-a half years old. Because greyhounds usually live to be 12 to 15years old, their retirement is much (49) than their racing careers.
People worry that a greyhound will be more (50) (nerve) and active than other breeds and will need a large sp (51) to run. These are false Impressions. Greyhounds have naturally sweet, mild dispositions, and while they love to run, they are sprinters rather than distance runners and are (52) . (sufficiency) exercised with a few daily laps around a fenced-in backyard.
Greyhounds do not make good watchdogs, (53) they are very good with children, get along well with other dogs(and usually cats as well), and are (54) (affection)and loyal. They are intelt, well-behaved dogs, usually housebroken in only a few days. A re (55) racing greyhound is a wonderful pet for almost anyone.


【多选题】剩余价值( )。


【多选题】关于社会主义初级阶段党的基本路线,下列论述正确的是( )。


【单选题】72() A. and B. or C. neither D. so

In an age of perpetual digital connectedness, why do people seem so disconnected In a Duke University study, researchers found that from 1985 to 2004, the (62) of people who said there was no one with whom they discussed important matters tripled, to 25%; the same study found that (63) , Americans had one-third (64) friends and confidants than they did two decades ago.
Another recent study, by researchers at the University of Michigan, found that college students today have (65) less empathy--the ability to understand and (66) the feelings of another-- than students of generations past did. The reason, psychologists (67) , may have something to do with our increasing (68) on digital communication and other forms of new media.
It’s possible that instead of (69) real friendships off-fine, e-mail and social networking may take the place of them--and the distance (70) in screen-only interactions may breed feelings of isolation or a tendency to care less about other people.
The problem is, (71) empathy recedes, (72) does trust. And (73) trust, you can’t have a cohesive society. (74) the findings of a new study co-authored by Kevin Rockmann of George Mason University and Gregory Northcraft, a professor of executive leadership at the University of Illinois. Northcraft says high-tech communications like e-mail and videoconferencing strip away the personal interaction needed to (75) trust. In a business setting--as in all other social relationships outside the workplace--trust is a necessary (76) for effective cooperation within a group.
In Rockmann and Northcraft’s study, 200 students were divided into teams and asked to manage two (77) projects, one having to do with nuclear disarmament (裁军); the other, price fixing. Some groups (78) via e-mail, some via videoconference and others face to face. In the end, those who met in (79) showed the most trust and most effective cooperation; those using e-mail were the (80) able to work together and get the job done.
Northcraft thinks this is because real-life meetings, during which participants can see how engaged their colleagues are, breed more trust. Over e-mail, (81) confirmation of hard work gets lost, which tends to encourage mutual slacking off (懈怠).

【单选题】Why does Lucy look tired

It was built in 1990.
It was built in 1919.
It was built in 1929.