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Nowadays fashion speaks aloud.Then do you choose what you wear or does the ____ choose it for you?I am one of the million Americans who struggle with ____ the new trends.The newspapers and magazines work their hardest in trying to ___ us to buy new things for home,work,and family.Many large ___ spend millions of dollars for a one­minute commercial on one of the ___ stations such as FOX and CBS.Television and magazines ____ carefully not only what to wear and when to wear it but also what others are wearing such as movie stars,____ and music artists.Television,one of the ___ mediums of the media world,talks with us about who is wearing what and what is fashionable for the ____.Television shows give us information on new trends ____ all different types of people and in all different countries.Designers such as Calvin Klein,Levi’s and many others try to ____ us to their cool commercials.Indeed,they get ____ from the commercials after their designs are sold.
Television influences the way we ____.It searches each and every one of our wardrobes(衣橱) with telling us what is ____ and what is not.agers,____,give a lot of their attention to these television programs.They even wish they could ____ like the models immediately.The commercials try to ____ the younger generation because they will have them in the palm of their hands for the ____ of their lives.Also agers are ____ influenced by television with the billions of dollars spent on advertisements.These advertisements have them ____ widely—they really know what agers like.
小题1:A.societyB.moodC.mediaD.weather小题2:A.looking forward toB.keeping up withC.caring aboutD.referring to小题3:A.follow B.warnC.forceD.persuade小题4:A.supermarketsB.hotelsC.companies D.malls小题5:A.majorB.localC.commonD.similar小题6:A.chooseB.describeC.change D.watch小题7:A.scholarsB.officialsC.managersD.models小题8:A.importantB.changeableC.culturalD.national小题9:A.dayB.seasonC.monthD.year小题10:.A.forB.fromC.ofD.with小题11:A.compareB.fixC.attractD.connect小题12:A.trustB.promotionC.improvementD.profit小题13:A.sleep B.liveC.shopD.learn小题14:A.hotB.crazyC.creativeD.expensive小题15:A.howeverB.hardlyC.nearlyD.especially小题16:A.dressB.walkC.expressD.grow小题17:A.avoidB.targetC.understandD.warn小题18:A.whole B.halfC.part D.rest小题19:A.eagerlyB.slowlyC.easilyD.happily小题20:A.killedB.trappedC.hurtD.lost
