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Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding three items III, IV, V.
Why Are Students Turned Off
(1)Ellen Glanz lied to her teacher about why she hadn’t done her homework; but, of course, many students have lied to their teachers. The difference is that Ellen Glanz was a twenty-eight-year-old high school social studies teacher who was a student for six months to improve her teaching by gaining a fresh perspective of her school.
(2)She found many classes boring, students doing as little as necessary to pass tests and get good grades, students using ruses (借口) to avoid assignments, and students manipulating teachers to do the work for them. She concluded that many students are turned off because they have little power and responsibility for their own education.
(3)Ellen Glanz found herself doing the same things as the students. There was the day when Glanz wanted to join her husband in helping friends celebrate the purchase of a house, but she had homework for a math class. For the first time, she knew how agers feel when they think something is more important than homework.
(4)She found a way out and confided. "I considered my options: Confess openly to the teacher, copy someone else’s sheet, or make up an excuse." Glanz chose the third option—the one most widely used-and told the teacher that the pages needed to complete the assignment had been ripped from the book. The teacher accepted the story, never checking the book. In class, nobody else did the homework; and student after student mumbled responses when called upon.
(5)"Finally," Glanz said, "the teacher, thinking that the assignment must have been difficult, went over each question at the board while students copied the problems at their seats. The teacher had ’covered’ the material and the students had listened to the explanation. But had anything been learned I don’t think so."
(6)Glanz found this kind of thing common. "In many classes," she said, "people simply didn’t do the work assignment, but copied from someone else or manipulated the teacher into doing the work for them."
(7)"The system encourages incredible passivity," Glanz said. "In most classes one sits and listens. A teacher, whose role is activity, simply cannot understand the passivity of the student’s role," she said. "When I taught," Glanz recalled, "my mind was going constantly—figuring out how to best present an idea, thinking about whom to call on, whom to draw out, whom to shut up; how to get students involved, how to make my point clearer, how to respond; when to be funny, when serious. As a student, I experienced little of this. Everything was done to me."
(8)Class methods promote the feeling that students have little control over or responsibility for their own education because the agenda is the teacher’s, Glanz said. The teacher is convinced the subject matter is worth knowing, but the student may not agree. Many students, Glanz said, are not convinced they need to know what teachers teach; but they believe good grades are needed to get into college.
(9)Students, obsessed with getting good grades to help qualify for the college of their choice, believe the primary responsibility for their achievement rests with the teacher, Glanz said. "It was his responsibility to teach well rather than their responsibility to learn carefully."
(10)Teachers were regarded by students, Glanz said, not as "people," but as "role-players" who dispensed information needed to pass a test. "I often heard students describing teachers as drips, bores, and numerous varieties of idiots," she said. "Yet I knew that many of the same people had traveled the world over, conducted fascinating experiments or learned three languages, or were accomplished musicians, artists, or athletes."
(11)But the sad reality, Glanz said, is the failure of teachers to recognize their tremendous communications gap with students. Some students, she explained, believe that effort has little value. Some have heard reports of unemployment among college graduates and others, and after seeing political corruption they conclude that honesty takes a back seat to getting ahead any way one can, she said. "I sometimes estimated that half to two-thirds of a class cheated on a given test," Glanz said. "Worse, I’ve encountered students who feel no remorse (自责) about cheating but are annoyed that a teacher has confronted them on their actions."
(12)Glanz has since returned to teaching at Lincoln-Sudbury. Before her period as a student, she would worry that perhaps she was demanding too much. "Now I know I should have demanded more," she said. Before, she was quick to accept the excuses of students who came to class unprepared. Now she says, "You are responsible for learning it." But a crackdown is only a small part of the solution.
(13)The larger issue, Glanz said, is that educators must recognize that teachers and students, though physically in the same school, are in separate worlds and have an on-going power struggle. "A first step toward ending this battle is to convince students that what we attempt to teach them is genuinely worth knowing," Glanz said. "We must be sure, ourselves, that what we are teaching is worth knowing." No longer, she emphasized, do students assume that "teacher knows best."

In this section, there are ten incomplete statements or questions, followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding three items III, IV, V.Why Are Students Turned OffIn this section, there are ten incomplete statements or questions, followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D.A good alternative title for the selection would be ______.

How to Get Good Grades
Why Students Dislike School
Cheating in Our School
Students Who Manipulate Teachers

【单选题】下列有关 I/O 借口的叙述中错误的是

I/O 接口中 CPU 可访问的寄存器,称为 I/O 端口
采用独立编址方式时,某个 I/O 端口地址和主存地址可能相同
采用统一编址方式时, CPU 不能用访存指令访问 I/O 端口