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A little boy was visiting his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot(弹弓)to 21 in the woods. He practiced and practiced but could never   22 the target. Becoming somewhat 23 , he headed back for dinner. As he was returning, he saw Grandma’s 24 duck. Without thinking, he shot his slingshot, hit the duck right 25 the head and killed it. He was shocked and sad. Quickly, he 26 the dead duck in the wood pile, only to see his 27 watching. Sally had seen it all, but she said nothing. After 28 that day, Grandma said, “Sally, you wash the dishes.” But Sally said, “Grandma, Johnny told me that he wanted to 29 in the kitchen today, didn't you, Johnny?” And then she   30 to him, “Remember, the duck?” Then Johnny did the dishes. Later, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to __ 31 __ fishing, and Grandma said, “I’m sorry but I __ 32_ _ Sally to help me make supper.” But Sally smiled and said, “Well, that’s all right. Johnny told me he wanted to __33__.” And she whispered again, “Remember, the 34 ?” So Sally went fishing and Johnny 35 at home. After several days, Johnny finally couldn't 36 it any longer. He went to Grandma and 37 that he had killed her pet duck and asked for her 38 . Hearing this, Grandma knelt down, gave him a hug, and said, “Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing at the 39 and saw the whole thing from the house. And because I 40 you, I forgive you, but I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make you her slave.” 小题1: A.work on B.carry out C.look after D.play with 小题2: A.get B.hit C.find D.miss 小题3: A.discouraged B.nervous C.helpless D.foolish 小题4: A.pet B.big C.pretty D.little 小题5: A.to B.at C.by D.in 小题6: A.took B.got C.hid D.found 小题7: A.grandpa B.grandma C.sister D.brother 小题8: A.lunch B.supper C.breakfast D.school 小题9: A.support B.cook C.help D.stay 小题10: A.shouted B.spoke C.nodded D.whispered 小题11: A.go B.play C.discover D.find 小题12: A.make B.have C.punish D.need 小题13: A.stay B.do C.help D.beat 小题14: A.farm B.duck C.supper D.slingshot 小题15: A.waited B.smiled C.stayed D.cried 小题16: A.stand B.keep C.face D.hide 小题17: A.promised B.explained C.admitted D.described 小题18: A.apology B.advice C.forgiveness D.permission 小题19: A.window B.roadside C.kitchen D.farm 小题20: A.punished B.mistook C.love D.respect


【单选题】弹弓的外形会让你想到何种器械( )
