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One summer evening, a1boy was trying to hit (击中) a bottle with a slingshot (弹弓). The bottle
was about 7 to 8 metres2 . The boy tried many times but still couldn't hit it. His mother just kept3
him small stones.
A girl walked by. She watched the boy for some time and said to the mother, 'Let me show4how
to shoot.'
'No, thank you,' said the mother, 'he is blind (失明的).'
The girl was5and asked, 'How can he hit the bottle then?' 'I tell him he can do it,' said the mother, '6he tries hard enough.'
The little boy tried again and again. The mother always told him that he was doing7 .
The boy 8more confident (自信). After a long time, it9dark. The girl said goodbye to the
mother and son. When she turned to leave, she heard a stone hit the bottle. The little boy10hit it!
With confidence and patience, nothing is impossible.
( )1. A. 10-years-old
( )2. A. long
()3. A. passing
()4. A. you
()5. A. surprise
( )6. A. before
( )7. A. well
( )8. A. sounded
( )9. A. turn
( )10. A. hardly B. 10 years old
B. away
B. throwing
B. it
B. surprised
B. if
B. better
B. turned
B. got
B. finally C. 10-year-old
C. high
C. putting
C. him
C. surprising
C. until
C. best
C. became
C. grows
C. almost
