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Estimates of campus violence range widely due to both the (47)______ official statistics and the use of different definitions and data collection methods in surveys. Existing data indicate, however, that a substantial minority of college students experience some type of violence and related consequences. According to one nationally representative survey of college students, (48)______ 17 percent of students reported experiencing some form of violence in the previous year. Common forms of campus violence include ual and interpersonal violence. A 1997 national telephone survey found that 1.7 percent of college women had experienced a completed and 1.1 percent an attempted in the seven months (49)______ the survey. Projecting these figures over an entire calendar year, the survey’’s authors concluded that nearly 5 percent of college women might be victimized annually and that (50)______ 25 percent might be assaulted by the end of their college years. In the same study, 13 percent of college women reported they had been threatened during the seven-month period. Other studies, using varying definitions, estimate that from 20 to 50 percent of students experience dating violence by the end of college. In addition, 13.2 percent of college students report having been in a physical fight in the past 12 months, 8.5 percent report carrying a (51)______ in the past 30 days, and 4.3 percent report "having a firearm with them at college." Hazing (被, 恃强凌弱)is also a common concern. Of the 25 percent of National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletes who responded to a 1999 Alfred University survey, 79 percent had experienced some form of hazing, and 51 percent of respondents had been required to participate in drinking contests or alcohol-related hazing. Approximately 20 percent of the (52)______ reported what the authors called "unacceptable and potentially illegal" hazing. Hate and bias crimes occur all too (53)______ on campus. A 1998 study estimated that an average of 3.8 hate crimes per campus occurred that year, 80 percent of them (54)______ by the victim’’s race or ual orientation. In a study of gay and lesbian students, 42 percent reported experiencing some level of physical (55)______ due to their ual orientation. Victims of violence experience a wide variety of physical and emotional (56)______, often leading to social and academic difficulties. Violence can lower the quality of life for all campus members, who may become fearful and restrict their activities out of concern for safety. In addition, violence affects colleges administration by increasing costs on security that could otherwise be used to further the academic mission. Word Bank A) incredible B) inadequate C) respondents D) approximately E) motivated F) discovery G) prior to H) aggression I) exchange J) up to K) weapon L) absolutely M) consequences N) commission O) frequently
