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Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the box below. Change the form where necessary. 1. Accidentally, the whole incident was ____ by a young American photographer. 2. Those who had been kidnapped ( 绑架 ) described how they were scared and in physical and ____ pain. 3. It was not long before help arrived ____ ten police officers. 4. Despite a great deal of practice, Alice remained a(n) ____ dancer. 5. A few hours ago, there was a head-on ____ on Highway 20, involving three cars. 6. I am wondering when Tom is going to ____ and get married. 7. The features a large indoor display of local____ and agricultural products. 8. There are some birds ____ in the eaves ( 屋檐 ) of our house at the moment. 9. A chill ( 恐惧 ) ____ me when I heard the terrible news. 10. True, Linda makes almost no typing errors, ____ she’s very slow. 11. It seems like everyone writes a(n) ____ these days, or sets up a website that’s used as a personal diary for posting photos and stories. 12. I often watch the sports s broadcast on ____ networks like ESPN and TNT. 13. Michael was always late for class, but that day he, ____, came much earlier than usual. 14. During my mother’s last days, I spent many hours ____, holding her hand. 15. They have assigned me the role of a heartless financier, who ____ money, wealth, and luxury.
