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They crowded inside the storm door-two children in torn coats.
'Any old1, lady?' I was busy. I wanted to say2- until I looked down at their feet. Thin little shoes,
wet with snow.
'3and I'll make you a cup of hot coffee.'
There was no conversation. Their wet4left marks upon the floor of the fire place. I served them coffee
and toast with jam to keep the5out. Then I went back to the kitchen and started6on my household
The silence in the front room7me. I looked in. The girl held the empty cup in her hands,8it. The
boy asked in a flat voice, 'Lady... are you rich?'
'Am I rich? Mercy, no!' I looked at my9slipcovers (沙发套). The girl put her cup back in its saucers
(茶托) -10 .
'Your cups match your saucers.'
Her voice was old, with a11that was not of the stomach. They left then, holding their bags of papers12
the wind. They hadn't said thank you. They didn't13to. They had done14that. Plain blue pottery cups and
saucers. But they15.
I tested the potatoes and tasted the gravy. Potatoes and brown gravy, a roof over our heads, my16with
a good steady job-these things matched, too.
I moved the chairs back from the fire and17the living room. The dirty prints of small shoes were18
wet upon my floor. I let them be. I want them there19I ever forget again how very20I am.
( )1.A. papers
( )2.A. cheese
( )3.A. Go away
( )4.A. snow
( )5.A. er
( )6.A. later
( )7.A. surprised
( )8.A. drinking from
( )9.A. small
( )10.A. carefully
( )11.A. anger
( )12.A. out of
( )13.A. manage
( )14.A. more than
( )15.A. mattered
( )16.A. daughter
( )17.A. designed
( )18.A. too
( )19.A. in case
( )20.A. rich

B. food
B. goodbye
B. Come in
B. clothes
B. visitors
B. again
B. broke
B. filling
B. shabby
B. disappointedly
B. hunger
B. against
B. care
B. anything but
B. changed
B. husband
B. decorated
B. then
B. even if
B. selfish

C. rubbish
C. yes
C. Turn up
C. umbrellas
C. cold
C. too
C. followed
C. looking at
C. clean
C. naturally
C. patience
C. by
C. need
C. rather than
C. counted
C. mother
C. painted
C. still
C. so that
C. empty D. books
D. no
D. Shut off
D. shoes
D. air
D. even
D. comforted
D. warming
D. wet
D. completely
D. confidence
D. like
D. want
D. other than
D. matched
D. sister
D. tidied
D. already
D. until
D. well
