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According to the passage, when we start a conversation which of the following is NOT tree()

A.We give praise.
B.We receive information.
C.We express disagreement.
D.We offer invitations.

Individuals in every culture have similar basic needs but express them differently. In daily life we all initiate (开始) conversation, use of formal and informal speech, give praise, express disagreement, seek information, and extend invitations. Some of the verbal patterns we use are influenced by our culture.
Whereas directness in speech is common in the United States, indirectness is the rule in parts of the Far East. Thus people from both of these parts of the world would probably express criticism of others differently. In parts of the Middle East a host is expected to offer food several times but in the United States he may make an offer only once or twice. The different modes of expression represent variations (变化)on the same theme. Each language reflects and creates cultural attitudes; each has a unique way of expressing human need.

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