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A squirrel(松鼠) that was nearly killed nine years ago continues to visit the family that saved,raised and later sent her into the wild. In October 2009, a four-week-old squirrel was almost killed by an owl(猫头鹰). Luckily, a wildlife rescue group saved her and left her in the care of Brantley Harrison and her family in South Carolina. The Harrisons often look after wild animals and later send them back into the wild. The Harrisons named her Bella. With three other squirrels, Bella stayed in Brantley's care until spring. During her stay Bella acted similarly to the other squirrels. In April 2010, the squirrels were sent back into the wild. Bella, however, wasn't ready to leave her human family. Within days of being released, she started visiting them, looking for treats. Brantley said that the other squires also came back over the first few days, but within a week they stopped coming by and began to avoid people. “Bella usually sits at the front door, waiting for someone to notice her. She comes almost every day.” said Brantley. Her husband John often brings Bella nuts as she is usually waiting by the door for him. Actually Bella has become a member of the family. For nine years, she continues to visit them. Brantley said, “If Bella can teach at least one person to care for all living things, no matter how big or how small, then we have done what we have set out to.”
