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If the child has been brought up in a loving, openly communicative environment, the relationship with parents would be a strong one.It is only when there are ongoing troubles in the relationship between parents and the child that there is a breakdown in communication. When parents are going through difficulties in their own relationship, the child sometimes develops guilt.The child can hold himself or herself responsible for the breakdown in relationship between the parents.This needs to be explained to the child, who won’t speak out this guilt. The age years are emotionally sensitive years to the outside world.For the first time the child realizes his or her position in society.Friends suddenly become more important than parents.It is during this time that the relationship between children and parents is tested.If the bond with parents is strong, the child will not be influenced by the drug and alcohol culture.If the bond is weaker, the child will end up with problems. During such times, one of the effective ways to deal with the problems is to discuss the problem with the child.As parents, you will need to discuss the results of each choice and then leave the final decision to the child.Forcing parental will on children is counterproductive (适得其反的), especially at this age.Forcing parental will at this time will stop communicating and then you will not know what is happening in their life.Whatever the problem is, the child need never be made to feel lonely.The moment that happens, the possibility of serious self-harm is raised. Any problem at this age can be dealt with by a flexible (灵活的) way by parents.Discuss things calmly.Leave the decision to the individual.Make yourself available for any help or support that the child hopes.The child will feel comfortable when allowed the of choice. 小题1:If parents have trouble with their relationship, the child __________ . A.will communicate with their parents B.will be responsible for the trouble C.will feel guilty about the trouble D.will help the parents recover 小题2:According to the text, what will lead the child to get into trouble? A.The sense of responsibility. B.A weak bond with parents. C.Feeling depressed or stressed D.The child’s confidence. 小题3:Which of the following ways can help solve the children’s problem? A.Letting the children be. B.Discussing it with the children. C.Forcing parental will on them D.Meeting their demands. 小题4:The underlined word “forcing” can be replaced with the word“________ .” A.Weakening. B.Pressing. C.Understanding. D.Losing. 小题5:What is the text mainly about? A.The bond between parents and children. B.Causes of agers’ problems. C.agers’ problems and solutions. D.Always letting the children decide.


【单选题】One of the central principles of raising kids in America is that parents should be actively involved in their children’s education: meeting with teachers, volunteering atschoolhelping with homework, a...

Reviewing kids’ homework for accuracy.
Monitoring kids’ class performance.
Assisting kids in their exercises.
Making sure kids have finished their work

【单选题】One of the central principles of raising kids in America is that parents should be actively involved in their children’s education: meeting with teachers, volunteering atschoolhelping with homework, a...

parents should leave their children alone
kids should be kids after all
parents may influence children’s thinking
persistent parental involvement is a must

【多选题】中暑时适得其反的“措施”是( )


【单选题】One of the central principles of raising kids in America is that parents should be actively involved in their children’s education: meeting with teachers, volunteering atschoolhelping with homework, a...

high intelligence does not guarantee success
getting ready for college is an emotional process
social maturity is sufficient to achieve success in life
high school is often boring in the U.S.

【单选题】One of the central principles of raising kids in America is that parents should be actively involved in their children’s education: meeting with teachers, volunteering atschoolhelping with homework, a...

The kids of more-involved parents improve over time.
Parental involvement may not necessarily benefit children.
Parental involvement works better with low-achievers.
Schools should communicate with parents regularly.