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阅读理解。Read and answer the following questions. The United States is one of the biggest countries in the world. It has all sorts of geography, from desertsto beaches, mountains to flatlands. These conditions help create all sorts of weather: mild, moderate andextreme. Sometimes all in one day! In the summer, some areas get very hot and the air is very wet. But othershave dry air, so the heat does not feel so bad. In the winter, parts of the country get cold and snowy while others stay warm and sunny. This is thedifference between, for example, New York City on the East Coast and Los Angeles on the West Coast. Yeteven the East Coast has its warm places in winter, like Florida. The oceans affect weather along the coasts. The Pacific coast has smaller temperature changes and calmer conditions than along the Atlantic. Alaska and Hawaii are the only states not connected to the forty-eight mainland states. Alaska is in the Arctic area, so it gets very cold. Hawaii, out in the Pacific, is warm all year long. Weather in the central and northeastern parts of the country is affected by cold air from Canada and warmair from the Caribbean. Conditions can change quickly. Hurricanes are ocean storms that strike mainly in the Southeast. The hurricane season is, officially, June through November. Tornadoes are a risk across the country. These are locally severe windstorms. Theygenerally happen in spring and summer. In fact, March eighth happens to be the eightieth anniversary of the most deadly tornado in United States history. The nine twenty-five"Tri-State Tornado" hit parts of Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. The National Weather Service says the horrible twister killed nearly seven hundred people. 1. Why does America have all sorts of weather? (回答词数不超过8个) ____________________________________________________________________________2. What is the difference in weather between Alaska and Hawaii?(回答词数不超过7个) _____________________________________________________________________________3. What makes the weather conditions change quickly in the central and northeastern parts of the US?(回答词数不超过10个) ______________________________________________________________________________
