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Dear Sir,
I am 18 years old, and I graduated from Newtown High School last October. At high school my main subjects were English, business studies, history, athletics and science.
I would be very interested in working as a salesman. I am very interested in books, and I have always been interested in the publishing business. I enjoy meeting and talking to people.
I enclose two letters of reference, a photograph, and my school academic record. I would be available for an interview at any time. I look forward to bearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Jack Eastwood
Letter of Application
The applicant graduated from (46) .
The applicant wants to be a (47) .
The applicant is interested in (48) business.
The applicant enclosed two letters of reference, a photograph and the (49) .
The applicant is available for an interview at (50) .


【单选题】Knitting My mother knew how to knit (编织), but she never taught me. She assumed, as did many women of her generation, that knitting was no longer a skill worth passing down from mother to daughter. A c...

Because their mothers didn’t teach them.
Because they were feminists.
Because they were influenced by feminism and consumerism.
Because they were consumerists.