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In the medical profession, technology is advancing so fast that questions of law and ethics cannot be discussed and answered fast enough. Most of these questions (36) ending or beginning a human life. For example, we have the medical ability to keep a person (37) "alive" for years, on machines, after he or she is "brain dead". But is it ethical to do this And what about the (38) In other words, is it (39) not to keep a person alive if we have the technology to do so And there are also many ethical questions involving the (40) of a human baby. External fertilization, for example, is becoming more and more common. By this method, couples who have difficulty (41) a child may still become parents. At a cost between $ 70,000 and $ 75,000 for the (42) of one such baby, should society have to pay for this especially when there are many (43) children who need parents (44) ; is this fertilized egg a human being If the parents get a divorce, to whom do these frozen eggs belong And there is the question of surrogate mothers. There have been several cases of a woman (45) .After delivering the baby, the surrogate mother sometimes changes her mind and wants to keep the baby. Whose baby is it (46)


【单选题】Knitting My mother knew how to knit (编织), but she never taught me. She assumed, as did many women of her generation, that knitting was no longer a skill worth passing down from mother to daughter. A c...

Because their mothers didn’t teach them.
Because they were feminists.
Because they were influenced by feminism and consumerism.
Because they were consumerists.