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Apples are the second most valuable fruit crop in the United States, after oranges. Autumn is a time when fresh apples are everywhere. They are not native to the country. Research shows that apples came from Central Asia. But they are believed to have been grown in America since the early six hundreds.
Washington State, in the’ Pacific Northwest, produces the country’s biggest apple crop. New York and Michigan are also big producers. Among nations, China is the biggest grower followed by the United States and Turkey.
This year, American growers expect to harvest nearly four thousand five hundred million kilograms of apples. That is a little less than last year’s record harvest.
Apples are a member of the rose family. Apples come in reds, greens and yellows. About two thousand five hundred kinds grow in the United States, Three times that number are grown around the world.
The University of Illinois Extension service says one hundred varieties are grown most commonly in the United States. The most popular are the Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Gala, Fuji and Granny Smith.
In the United States, three fourths of apples are eaten fresh. Some are made into sweet foods like apple pie. The rest are processed to make products such as apple juice, apple cider (苹果酒), apple sauce and vinegar.
A popular saying goes: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away. ’ Apples are a healthy food. For one thing, they are high in fiber, mainly in the skin.
Apple trees flower in late spring. Late blossoming avoids freezing weather. So farmers can grow apples farther north than most other fruits. In North America, apples can be grown in all fifty states and Canada.We can infer that()

A.One fourth of apples are made into sweet foods in America.
B.The Americans believe that apples are good to their health.
C.Apples can be grown in freezing weather.
D.Most other fruits survive in freezing weather.

Apples are the second most valuable fruit crop in the United States, after oranges. Autumn is a time when fresh apples are everywhere. They are not native to the country. Research shows that apples came from Central Asia. But they are believed to have been grown in America since the early six hundreds.
Washington State, in the’ Pacific Northwest, produces the country’s biggest apple crop. New York and Michigan are also big producers. Among nations, China is the biggest grower followed by the United States and Turkey.
This year, American growers expect to harvest nearly four thousand five hundred million kilograms of apples. That is a little less than last year’s record harvest.
Apples are a member of the rose family. Apples come in reds, greens and yellows. About two thousand five hundred kinds grow in the United States, Three times that number are grown around the world.
The University of Illinois Extension service says one hundred varieties are grown most commonly in the United States. The most popular are the Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Gala, Fuji and Granny Smith.
In the United States, three fourths of apples are eaten fresh. Some are made into sweet foods like apple pie. The rest are processed to make products such as apple juice, apple cider (苹果酒), apple sauce and vinegar.
A popular saying goes: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away. ’ Apples are a healthy food. For one thing, they are high in fiber, mainly in the skin.
Apple trees flower in late spring. Late blossoming avoids freezing weather. So farmers can grow apples farther north than most other fruits. In North America, apples can be grown in all fifty states and Canada.