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Once upon a time, there was a poor boy working for a king day and night, but the king treated him badly. Every day, the boy went cold and hungry, so he ran away. Then one day, he met a big lion in the desert. The lion looked angry and the boy was afraid. He was about to run away when the lion said, “I am angry because there is a thorn(刺) in my foot.” “Don’t worry. I will help you.” So the boy sat down and helped to pull the thorn out. From then on, they became good friends.
One day, the king went hunting in the desert and he caught the lion! He threw it into a net. On his way back he saw the boy and caught him as well. “I will punish you for running away. I will throw you to the lion’s den(兽窝)!” said the king angrily. So he did! But to the king’s surprise, when the lion saw the boy, it lay down and smiled. The boy smiled too and put his arm around his friend. Greatly moved, the king let the boy and the lion go.
小题1:Why did the boy run away from the king?(回答词数不超过8个)
小题2:What did the lion do when the boy was thrown to its den?(回答词数不超过8个)
小题3:What have you learnt from the story?(回答词数不超过12个)
