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Where do pesticides fit into the picture of environmental disease We
have seen that they now pollute soil, water and food, that they have the
power to make our stream fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent 41 ______
and birdless. Man, however much he may like to pretend the contrary, is
part of nature. Can he escape a pollution is now so thoroughly 42 ______
distributed throughout our world
We know that even single exposures to these chemicals, if the amount is
large enough, can lead extremely severe poisoning. But this is not the major 43 ______
problem. The sudden illness or death of farmers, farm workers, and others
exposed to sufficient quantities of pesticides are very sad and should not occur. 44 ______
For the population as whole, we must be more concerned with the delayed 45 ______
effects of absorbing small amounts of the pesticides that visibly pollute 46 ______
our world.
Responsible public health officials have pointed out that the biological
affects of chemicals are cumulative over long periods of time, 47 ______
but the er to individual may depend on the sum of the exposures 48 ______
received throughout his lifetime. For these very reasons the er is
easily ignored. It is human nature to shake off that may seem to us a 49 ______
threat of future disaster. "Men are naturally most impressed by diseases
which have obvious signs," says a wise physician, Dr. Rene Dubos,
"yet some of their worst enemies slowly approach to them unnoticed." 50 ______


【单选题】What message can we gel from the article() A.Different people have different buying patterns. B.Culture is the most important factor in international business. C.Members of different social classes di...

Throughout the buying process, various factors may’ influence a buyer’s purchase decision. An awareness of these factors and consumer preferences enables companies to appeal to the group most likely to respond to its products and services. Some of these factors include the following.
CULTURE. The culture and subcultures we belong to shape our values, attitudes, and beliefs, and they influence the way we respond to tike world around us. Understanding culture is therefore an increasingly important step in international business and in marketing in diverse countries such as the United States.
SOCIAL CLASS. In addition to being members of a particular culture, we also belong to a certain social class — upper, middle, lower, m’ somewhere in between. In general, members of various classes enjoy different activities, buy different goods, shop in different places, and react to different media.
REFERENCE GROUP. A reference group consists of people who have a good deal in common—family members, friends, co-workers, fellow students, teenagers, sports enthusiasts, music lovers, computer buffs. We are all members of many such reference groups, and we use the opinions of the appropriate group as a benchmark when we buy certain types of products or services. For example, shopping malls are today losing what has long been their most faithful audience — teens. That’s because Generation Xers (those born between 1965 and 1978) think that malls are for parents and that malls have too many rules. So some retailers like Urban Outfitters and Tower Records refuse to open stores in most malls.
SELF-IMAGE. The tendency to believe that "you are what you buy" is especially prevalent among young people. Marketers capitalize on our need to express our identity through our purchases by emphasizing the image value of products and services. That’s why professional athletes and musicians are frequently used as product endorsers—so that we incorporate part of their public image into our own self-image. After all, doesn’t everyone want to "be like Mike Jordan"
SITUATIONAL FACTORS. These factors include events or circumstances occurring in our lives that are more circumstantial in nature. For example, you have a coupon, you’re in a hurry, it’s Valentine’s Day, it’s your birthday, you’re in a bad mood, and so on. Situational factors influence our buying patterns.

【单选题】When the end of the world comes, we’ll know what to blame. Scientists have found compelling evidence that the Sun has a baby brother, a dark star whose eccentric orbit is responsible for periodically ...

the star orbits around the sun
the star is disturbed by the Oort Cloud
the star is throwing comets into the Oort Cloud
the star is responsible for extinction of life on the Earth