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Translatsion Practice Please translate the following passage into Chinese. However, despite this rich history, and despite the caliber of those who have written about the art and theory of translation, the number of original, significant ideas in the subject remains very meager. Ronald Knox reduces the entire topic to two questions: which should come first, the literary version or the literal; and is the translator free to express the sense of the original in any style and idiom he chooses? To limit the theory of translation to these two issues, which are in fact one, is to oversimplify. But Knox’s point is apt. Over some two thousand years of argument and percept, the beliefs and disagreements voiced about the nature of translation have been almost the same. Identical theses, familiar moves and refutations in debate recur, nearly without exception, from Cicero ( 西赛罗 )and Quintilian ( 昆体良 )to the present-day.
