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Terrorism has existed in the world for quite a long time. What exactly is terrorism Well, there are many different (36) out there. However, these definitions have certain things in common. Terrorism (37) extraordinary violence. It is intended to create (38) fear and involves a planned attack for a (39) , often against something or someone. Terrorism is (40) to have an audience. The differences between various (41) attacks involve the people, purpose, and how it is carried out. Terrorism is a technique, it’s a (42) activity, and is planned in advance. For example, did you know that the (43) of the U.S. embassy in Kenya in 1998 was planned for 5 years (44) .The definition of terrorism used by the government of the United States refers to intimidation of the civilians, the influence of government policy by coercion or fear, or trying to change the government by assassination or kidnapping. While terrorism is meant to be an act of violence to bring about change, it is usually not committed by those officially in the government. Usually, terrorist groups have fewer members than you would think. (45) .They hope to gain power and influence because of the act. The terrorists want to create fear so that leadership will be questioned. (46) .The terrorists want this audience to experience far-reaching fear.


【单选题】For years, Europeans have been using "smart cards" to pay their way through the day. They use them in shops and restaurants, plug them into pubic into telephones as and parking meters. In France smart...

Probably because American have got used to ATM bank cards or stored -value cards.
Probably because American is too large.
Probably because American like signature.
Probably because American like paper vouchers.

【单选题】The sources of anti-Christian feeling were many and complex. On the more intangible side, there was a general pique against the unwanted intrusion of the Western countries; there was an understandable...

Ethnocentrcism is a manly tradition.
The disdain toward Christianity was prefigured by a disdain toward Buddhism.
Although Christianity was not well received in China, Buddhism was.
The author would agree with A and

【单选题】Without regular supplies of some hormones our capacity to behave would be seriously impaired; without others we would soon die. Tiny amounts of some hormones can modify our moods and our actions, our ...

explain the specific functions
provide general information about hormones
explain how the term "hormone" evolved
report on experiments in endocrinology