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WASHINGTON — The U.S. government remains shut down in a partial closure小题1:has put hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work, at least temporarily. Lawmakers have yet to reach common ground, and that means many federal workers stay home小题2:national parks, monuments and museums stay closed. Some vocal veterans’ groups visited Washington over the weekend小题3:protest the closures. But they were not the only ones there. Seeking their place in the spotlight小题4:lawmakers publicly supporting the “Tea Party,” a group of lawmakers within the Republican Party strongly opposed to compromising小题5:Democrats on matters of budget.
The Million Veterans March - as it was called - was supposed to be a peaceful call for小题6:end to the government shutdown now threatening many veterans’ benefits.
Protesters tore down barricades(临时的路障) and carried小题7:to the White House where they threw them in front of the gates and shouted slogans against the president.
“It is time that Congress started the government again. Veterans paid a price. Promises were made to them that小题8:they serve our country, our country will take care of them. We’re failing in that mission,” said one of the protesters Kelly.
