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Passage 6

Homing pigeons are placed in a training program from about the time they are twenty-eight days of age. They are taught to enter the loft鸽房) through trap and to exercise above and around the loft, and gradually they are taken away for short distances in baskets and released. They are then expected to find their way home in the shortest possible time.

In their training flights or in actual races, the birds are taken to pre-arranged distant points and released to find their way back to their own lofts. Once the birds are liberated, their owners, who are standing by at the home lofts, anxiously watch the sky for their return. Since time is of the essence, the speed with which the birds can be directed to enter the loft trap may make the difference between gaining a win and a second place.

The head of a homing pigeon is comparatively small, but its brain is one quarter larger than that of the ordinary pigeon. The homing pigeon is very intelt and some have been known to fly hundred miles off course to avoid a storm.Some homing pigeon experts claim that this bird is gifted with form. of built-in radar that helps it find its own loft after hours of flight, for the birds have two very sensitive ears hidden under the head feathers, while the sharp, prominent eyes can see great distances in daytime.

Why do homing pigeons fly home? They are not unique in this inherent skill; it is found in most tory birds(候鸟), and in bees, ants, toads and even turtles, which have been known to travel hundreds of miles to return to their homes. But in the animal world, the homing pigeon can be trusted with its and trained to carry out the missions that people demand.

What is the purpose of this passage?

To persuade the reader to buy a homing pigeon.
To inform. the reader of homing pigeons and their training.
To explain how persistent and clever homing pigeons are.
To explain why homing pigeons are loyal to their owners.

【单选题】Passage 6Homing pigeons are placed in a training program from about the time they are twenty-eight days of age. They are taught to enter the loft鸽房) through trap and to exercise above and around the l...

To persuade the reader to buy a homing pigeon.
To inform. the reader of homing pigeons and their training.
To explain how persistent and clever homing pigeons are.
To explain why homing pigeons are loyal to their owners.

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the activities will last for six and a half hours
you need to pay for the activities and food
both adults and children can join in the event
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