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阅读理解。 Some of Britain's most favoured spring visitors are disappearing in their thousands. Scientists say birds such as the cuckoo (布谷鸟), whose song announces the arrival of warm weather in Britain, are dropping in numbers. A typical migrant bird (候鸟) from Africa, cuckoo may no longer make its annual appearance in the woodlands in Britain , says a scientist. Numbers of migrant birds from Africa have declined seriously in the UK since 1995.For cuckoos the figure is 44%.The call of the cuckoo could be silenced in the near future. The real problem is that there are so many different possible causes for the loss-which makes it difficult to find out the real reasons for their decline and to prepare plans to put things right. The loss could be the result of changes in farmland use in Britain which are affecting the way cuckoos breed (繁殖) when they arrive here in spring. On top of changes of land use, scientists suspect that many cuckoos are finding it increasingly difficult to feed themselves when they come to breed in Britain. The large insects they eat have dropped rapidly in number here. Climate change might be another important reason. Migrant cuckoos arrive and breed at times which are no longer the best periods when food, such as insects, is available. Climate changes also affect timings of breeding cycles. Or the loss could be due to the increase of human populations in Africa and the destruction of natural living environment where they make their homes in winter. Apart from these, the killing takes place in spring and autumn when cuckoos, flying from and to Africa, cross islands in the Mediterranean Sea. They are shot in their hundreds of thousands by hunters who just enjoy killing them for the 'sport' .It is against the European Union law, but that doesn't stop it happening. Sheehan, a scientist, said, cuckoos 'arrive in our countryside just as the first good weather arrives. We associate them with spring and warmth. That is why they appear so often in old English stories. They are part of our culture-which makes the decline in their number so worrying.' 1. What can be inferred from the underlined part in Paragraph 2? A. Cuckoos may arrive in warm weather. B. Cuckoos may rarely be seen in Britain. C. Cuckoos may appear every two years. D. Cuckoos may come back to the woodlands. 2. Concerning the rapid decrease in the number of cuckoos, scientists _______. A. find it difficult to discover the real reasons B. know few possible causes for the loss C. have plans to put things right D. doubt if the data are accurate 3. According to the passage, what happens in Britain that possibly causes the decline of cuckoos? A. Many hunters kill cuckoos for fun. B. Cuckoos' main food is getting less. C. Policies on land use have changed. D. Human population increases rapidly. 4.Which could be the best title for the passage? A. Cuckoos, Who Take Away Your Food? B. Climate Change: A er to Cuckoos C. Spring May Lose Song of Cuckoos D. A Song for England's Cuckoos


【单选题】Passage 6Homing pigeons are placed in a training program from about the time they are twenty-eight days of age. They are taught to enter the loft鸽房) through trap and to exercise above and around the l...

To persuade the reader to buy a homing pigeon.
To inform. the reader of homing pigeons and their training.
To explain how persistent and clever homing pigeons are.
To explain why homing pigeons are loyal to their owners.


杜鹃 鸬鹚
声音 习性
种植 打鱼
天空 海洋

【单选题】WMBD Event-Year of the BirdThe Chequamegon Bird Club will hold a World MigratoryBird (候鸟) Day celebration this year for migratory bird fans. The event will be held on Saturday, May 14, 2022. The event...

the activities will last for six and a half hours
you need to pay for the activities and food
both adults and children can join in the event
visitors can go boating in Chequamegon Waters