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Perseusand MedusaPerseus was the child of Zeus and mortals. Because he has the blood of God, he was born smart and easy to learn. Within a few years, he was an omnipotent hero.The heroic performance of Perseus soon passed to heaven. One day, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, found him and asked Perseus to take her the banshee Medusa's head. Perseus was a man who welcomed and accepted the challenge, and he gladly accepted the goddess' request.Medusa turned out to be a very beautiful girl with a shawl of hair. But she ly thought she was more beautiful than Athena. Athena was enraged, and she cast spells to turn Medusa's hair into countless poisonous snakes. The beauty has become a monster. What's more terrible is that her eyes flashed with horrible light, and anyone who even looked at her for a moment would immediately become a lifeless big stone.In order to obtain Medusa's head, Perseus managed to obtain three treasures: a pair of shoes that can fly when put on, a leather bag, and a dog leather helmet that can be invisible on the head. With these three treasures, and taking his bronze shield and sword, Perseus got up and flew to the place where Medusa was holding.When he arrived, Medusa was asleep. Perseus didn't dare to look at her. He spotted Medusa's position from the reflection of the bronze shield, stepped forward, and cut off her poisonous snake's head with one stroke. Perseus packed the bloody head into a leather sac and quickly flew into the sky. At this time, the two banshees living with Medusa were awakened. They found that their companion had been killed, and hurried to hunt him down. Fortunately, Perseus was not found because they wore a dog leatherhelmet. At this time, a Pegasus(飞马)was transformed from Medusa's body, and Perseus fled on the Pegasus.12.Which one was not Perseus’ treasure?

A pair of fly shoes.
A dog leather helmet
A leather bag.
A Pegasus.