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Apparently a few NFL (美国橄榄球联盟) teams are considering the benefits of tablet devices (便携式电脑) such as the iPad over plain old paper. The Dallas Cowboys, in particular, have (47) that going digital "could save them as much as 5,000 pages of paper printouts per ." It’s an attracting idea but it’ll likely face quite a difficult (48) .
While not having to deal with paper printouts would be a huge timesaver and coaches could (49) make routes and assignments for all the plays in a digital playbook, think of all the (50) shortcomings. Tablets crash, their batteries (51) out, they’re not good in direct sunlight, they’re not good in cold weather, they’re not good in rain, they’re not tough enough to bear the hit from a 250-pound fullback(后卫) being shoved out of bounds, they’re not tough enough to bear being thrown around by angry coaches, they’d rely on some sort of wireless system to pull down pictures of previous plays, and—perhaps most (52) —some coaches would just be thoroughly (53) to using them
A lot of those (54) could be addressed with some sort of custom-buih (定制的), tough tablet with a (55) that is readable in direct sunlight. And there may very well be certain paper-based tools that could be easily (56) with a tablet, provided those things aren’t critical elements of a coaching plan during time. Just don’t expect to see the iPad (or the more appropriately-named BlackBerry Playbook) replace the trusty paper playbook any time soon, though.
A. battle
B. competition
C. determined
D. importantly
E. negative
F. obviously
G. omitted
H) potential
I) replaced
J) resistant
K) run
L) screen
M) shortcomings
N) theoretically
O) therapies
