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Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Earn more money.
Open another bank account for saving.
Open another bank account for spending.
Find a better job.

【单选题】26(). A. whom B. who C. he D. that

According to Crevecoeur, (26) settled in Pennsylvania in the 18th century, the American in those days had the mixed blood of Europeans or their descendants without (27) into consideration other nationalities (28) as American Indians and blacks. Today, the picture of an American is more complex. In American families, there may be sons-in-law or daughters-in-law with European descend ants or Afro-Americans or Asian immigrants although these mixed blood families of whites with other blacks or Asians are (29) the minority. To understand this American, let us go back to American past.
The American continents were peopled (30) a result of two long continuing immigration movements, the first from Asia, and the second from Europe and Africa. The first movement began probably 25,000 years ago when Siberian tribes, in (31) of new hunting grounds or of refuge from pursuing enemies, crossed over the Bering Strait to Alaska. By 1492, over 10 -20 million people, mistakenly (32) Indians by Christopher Columbus, inhabited the Americas. They developed their own aboriginal cultures, which ranged from the simple (33) the complex, from those of the primitive tribes to the brilliant civilizations of the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas. But their technological development had lagged (34) that of Europe and Asia.
The (35) migration to the Americas began with the expansion of Europe at the start of the modern period from the 16th century. In 1492, Columbus persuaded the king and queen of Spain to finance his voyage. He believed that by sailing west from Europe, he could reach the Far East. He never succeeded, but instead he landed on one of the Bahama Islands in the Caribbean Sea and "dis covered" the New World. Based (36) Columbus’s discovery, the Spanish king could claim the territory in the Americas and later Spain conquered the new land and established a huge empire and grabbed enormous wealth from the Indians. In 1497, another Italian sailor, John Cabot who was in the service of the English king, arrived (37) today’s Canada and the English king (38) that the whole of the territory of North America (39) to England. Enforcing this claim, the Englishmen be gan to (40) permanent settlements in North America by the beginning of the 17th century.

【单选题】EVENTS Bicycle tour and race Brazilian footballers The Brazilian Football Club will play Beijing Guoan Team at the Workers Stadium on July 26. The club has several national team players. Also...

A bike tour and race will be held on July 26 and 27(Sat. & Sun.). At 4:30 a. m. , the riders will leave Tian’ anmen Square and ride the first 35 kilometers as a training leg. Then the next 55-kilometre leg, from Yanjiao to Jixian, will be the first competitive(竞争性的) part of the tour. The riders and their bikes will then be taken from Jixian to Changli.
The second racing leg of the tour will be from Changli to the seaside at Nandaihe, coveting a distance of 20 kilometers. Saturday night includes the stay at Nandaihe and supper. Sunday morning is free at the seaside. At noon all the people and their bikes will be taken back to Beijing.
Cost: 200 yuan
Telephone: 4675027

【多选题】注册会计师在对A公司2011年度财务报表进行审计时决定对A公司的应收账款实施函证程序,在进行函证的过程中,遇到以下问题,请代为作出正确的专业判断。 注册会计师在对应收账款函证的回函进行分析判断时,下列处理中,恰当的有( )。


【单选题】Who should sign up() A.Only students who have time for the work. B.All the students who are at the meeting. C.Only students who have a telephone.

OK, everybody. Be quiet, please! Can we begin the meeting now I am Mike Johnson, the chairman of the Graduation Committee for this year. I am honored to declare that all of you have been chosen as representatives to plan the graduation ceremony. Within a moment, I am sending around a sheet of paper for each of you and you are required to write down your names and telephone numbers. Also, please write down which part of the ceremony you’d like to work on. Remember, as a representative, you will have a lot of responsibilities to shoulder. So only sign up if you feel you have the time to participate. When everyone has finished writing down the information, please return the paper to me. What’s more, the time for next meeting has been changed. Yesterday I said that it would be held two days later. But now after our further discussion, it will be on next Friday. At our next meeting, one week from today, we will start to discuss the details of the graduation ceremony. At last, I would like to say that in the coming month we may have several other meetings in celebration of our school’s great success in education, please keep them in your mind and do your best in them!

【单选题】(2) (2)At that time people came to watch the tidal bore () of the eighth month of each year. A. from 15th to the 18th B. starting around 10th C. from 15th to the end D. at the middle

Some seven or eight hundred years ago, Hangzhou, known as Ling’ an then, was the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty. At that time, watching the tidal bore was already a grand occasion in town when the whole population would turn out for the spectacle. The best time to do this was from the 15th to the 18th of the eighth month of each year. But beginning from about the tenth day of the month, that part of the river bank that offered the best vantage point for tide watching would already be a busy gathering place for little open-air booths anti stalls where vendors piled colourful wares on their carts or boxes. There would be all kinds of snacks and cooked meats in shining pots and pans. The taverns and restaurants would put up multi-coloured lanterns and flags or pennants, displaying meanwhile an attractive array of meat and vegetable dishes with a lot more exotic delicacies on the menu. In the tea-houses would be hung painting scrolls and calligraphy scrolls by famous artists while the antique vases would be filled with fresh flowers. In addition, there would be vendors displaying plasters and medicinal herbs for sale on the ground, roving artists with their monkeys for variety shows or folk artists ready to entertain the crowds. Even before the days of the tidal bore, these peo ple would be gathered on the river bank doing whatever they could to attract pleasure-seekers. Mean while, tens of thousands of people, visitors from other towns as well as local residents of Ling’ an, would be hustling and bustling about, clogging up the way and making traffic impossible. In the large riverside mansions that lined the banks, there would be opulently dressed men and women, some leaning against the windows or the balconies looking into the distance and some looking down gazing fixedly at something going on down below.

【单选题】51(). A.unhurriedly B.unworriedly C.unexcitedly D.unfrightenedly

The lake lay before me, blue and peaceful, in the evening (36) . On either side the mountains rose sharply surrounding it in a kind of bowl. A few sheep (37) their sides here and there and a cow was (38) with eating on the lower slopes. The place was so far away, so untouched by human work that it seemed the very place to (39) . Even Higgs, I thought, won’t be able to find me here.
I sat down by the edge of the lake, and pulled (40) my shoes and socks, put my (41) in the water. It was cold, like ice. After a moment I (42) over and spread some of the (43) on my hot face. I could see myself faintly in the water staring at me like a (44) .
I realized suddenly how (45) I was of running away. Surely, I thought I could live here for a few days, out of (46) of Higgs and his men. While I tried to (47) some plans for the future, I found a tiny cottage on the far side of the (48) with some smoke coming from its roof. I still had a little money. Perhaps they would give me a (49) and some food.
As I watched, a man came out of the house and down to a little (50) at the lakeside. He got into it and began to move (51) towards my side. I could not see his (52) at first. He continued calmly (53) the lake, and when he was about halfway, he rested his oars and the boat drifted into a patch of sunlight. He (54) a hand in a friendly way of greeting. I Was about to raise mine, (55) all at once, I saw his face clearly, it was Higgs!