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The tip earned its name a couple of centuries ago when coffee-houses emerged in London. Customers in a hurry deposited a small amount of money on arrival to insure promptness of service : thus TIP. The name of the person who fixed 15 percent as the standard tip has been lost to history. But the rate stuck. Lately however, there have been signs of change. Some restaurants are now including the service charge on the bill. Some customers feel that a tip should be earned. They generally respond to competent or even well-intended service with a 15 percent tip, but feel no pangs about reducing the percentage if the job is not done properly. Surely inattentive service deserves no reward at all. If a waiter’s performance is outstanding, a larger tip than normal may be in order. You usually bring the check to the cashier and pay yourself.


【单选题】What happens in the end() A.They don’t agree on a decision finally. B.They will go to the McDonald’s. C.The man phones the others.

W: Have we agreed where we’re going to meet John on Sunday
M: Well, I talked to the others and nobody seemed to have any idea where they wanted to go.
W: I thought we were going to that restaurant.., what was it
M: ... the McDonald’s at the end of Beijing Road--I suggested it a long time ago.
W: Well--I think we should agree on that.
M: OK, shall I phone the others now
W: No, thanks. It is better for me to do that!

【单选题】39(). A.work B.visit C.play D.hide

The lake lay before me, blue and peaceful, in the evening (36) . On either side the mountains rose sharply surrounding it in a kind of bowl. A few sheep (37) their sides here and there and a cow was (38) with eating on the lower slopes. The place was so far away, so untouched by human work that it seemed the very place to (39) . Even Higgs, I thought, won’t be able to find me here.
I sat down by the edge of the lake, and pulled (40) my shoes and socks, put my (41) in the water. It was cold, like ice. After a moment I (42) over and spread some of the (43) on my hot face. I could see myself faintly in the water staring at me like a (44) .
I realized suddenly how (45) I was of running away. Surely, I thought I could live here for a few days, out of (46) of Higgs and his men. While I tried to (47) some plans for the future, I found a tiny cottage on the far side of the (48) with some smoke coming from its roof. I still had a little money. Perhaps they would give me a (49) and some food.
As I watched, a man came out of the house and down to a little (50) at the lakeside. He got into it and began to move (51) towards my side. I could not see his (52) at first. He continued calmly (53) the lake, and when he was about halfway, he rested his oars and the boat drifted into a patch of sunlight. He (54) a hand in a friendly way of greeting. I Was about to raise mine, (55) all at once, I saw his face clearly, it was Higgs!