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Directions: There is an introduction of BEC course below. After reading it, you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions (No. 56 to No. 60). You should write your answers in not more than 3 words on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.
Cambridge Business English Certificate Course
Success in this new Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) is your passport to a successful career in business.
This special two-month training course consists of a series of 6-hour Sunday seminars from March 12--April 24 OR 3-hour evening seminars on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from March 21 to April 29.
Our strategy for success includes:
· Small Classes, grouped by ability;
· Experienced, professional teachers;
· Detailed instruction in business English and test strategies;
· Practice exams under actual test conditions
Co-sponsored by China Daily and University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)
Registration starts soon
Date: March 1 to 10;
Fees: 350 yuan;
Location: University of International Business and Economics;
Tel: 4222172,4225522-3109 There is an introduction of BEC course below. After reading it, you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions (No. 56 to No. 60). You should write your answers in not more than 3 words on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Which course should you take if you only have time in the evening You should take the course that lasts from ______ to April 29.


【单选题】What day is it today() A.Birthday of the man’s mother. B.Mother’s Day. C.Mother’s Day and the birthday of the man’s mother. D.Mother’s Day and the lady’s birthday.

Conversation 2
M: How much are the carnations and tile roses
W: One dollar for each carnation and (9)one and a half for each red rose.
M: (9)Then I’d like a dozen red carnations and half a dozen red roses.
W: I bet it’s for your mother, (8)as it’s Mother’s Day today.
M: Well, not completely true. (8)It happens to be her birthday.
W: Oh, really I guess she must be very happy to receive these beautiful carnations from you.
M: Yeah, she will. She really likes flowers. So I buy her some every year. I’d just wish they would stay fresh longer than they do.
W: (10)Put a little sugar and vitamin C in the water. They’ll stay fresh for days.
M: Really I’ll tell my mother. And thanks for your suggestion.
W: That’s all right. Happy birthday to your mother!

【单选题】1() A. that B. which C. it D. they

This large city does almost no manufacturing and very little wholesale trade. Yet without the important service (1) provides, business everywhere would quickly grind to a (2) . Chaos would reign in all other leading cities. As you have guessed, the "product" we are talking about is government, and the city is the (3) of the United States, Washington, D. C. One out of every two persons (4) in the city works for the federal government.
Washington has many (5) . It leads the nation in level of education achieved by its residents. More than fifteen percent of its adults have had four years or more of college. (6) scientists can be found here than in any other city. Since larger incomes are earned by (7) people, Washington has the highest median income of any city.
Information is the vital force of the city. The Library of Congress (8) the largest and most comprehensive warehouse of information in the world. It contains 74 million items on hundreds of miles of (9) . In addition to books, these (10) include manuscripts, maps, photographs and documents. Papers of the Presidents all the way back to Washington are found here. The library is (11) to the public. It is considered by (12) to be one of the finest in the world. These people study the documents found in libraries.
Washington has many important governmental buildings and historic shrines. (13) include the Capitol building, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Washington Monument. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing is (14) located here. This agency is responsible (15) putting new paper money into circulation. Tens of millions of dollars in money is (16) here every day.
Unlike most cities, which grow in jumbled masses, Washington was planned on paper (17) any of its buildings were erected. The planners incorporated broad open areas around the historic landmarks and buildings. As a result the city is (18) . The central part of the city (19) a huge green park with broad, tree-lined boulevards and splendid (20) of its great structures.

