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"The Child is Father of the Man," wrote the English poet William Wordsworth. (1)s today are as aware as Wordsworth of the importance of childhood experiences that a cherished and well-behaved child has a better chance of growing into a balanced , loving and law-abiding than an unloved one. The Children Act of , created to give children much-needed protection against abuse, in the process legalized the ideology: the child comes first.
(2)But while the nurturing of self-esteem in children is now accepted as a requisite of their development, the social and economic demands on over-worked, harassed parents often pr them from putting this theory into practice where it matters most—in the home. Indeed, much of the time it seems that parents themselves are suffering a cr of self-esteem.
Reports show that agers are increasingly obese and slothful. They watch on average between four and six horns of television a day.(3) No longer subject to the discipline of the evening family meal-the cradle of manners and civil behavior-one in three people eats his or her dinner in front of the television. The fashion industry is increasingly targeting guilty parents and their demanding children; it is not uncommon to see children wearing designer jeans and the latest trainers that they will soon grow out of.
(4)Pre-Christmas toy advertising is designed to strike terror into the hearts of parents and make their children even more demanding and greedy. Every office in the land harbors parents who are exasperated especially by boys who are arrogant, rude, boastful and undisciplined. (5)Many parents are too guilt-ridden or too bewildered by conflicting child-rearing advice to do anything other than wringtheir hands with worry. The language of civil rights has entered childhood. Children as young as six are now so keenly aware of their "rights" that they freely complain of "unfair" treatment by their elders.

(4)Pre-Christmas toy advertising is designed to strike terror into the hearts of parents and make their children even more demanding and greedy.

"The Child is Father of the Man," wrote the English poet William Wordsworth. (1)s today are as aware as Wordsworth of the importance of childhood experiences that a cherished and well-behaved child has a better chance of growing into a balanced , loving and law-abiding than an unloved one. The Children Act of , created to give children much-needed protection against abuse, in the process legalized the ideology: the child comes first.
(2)But while the nurturing of self-esteem in children is now accepted as a requisite of their development, the social and economic demands on over-worked, harassed parents often pr them from putting this theory into practice where it matters most—in the home. Indeed, much of the time it seems that parents themselves are suffering a cr of self-esteem.
Reports show that agers are increasingly obese and slothful. They watch on average between four and six horns of television a day.(3) No longer subject to the discipline of the evening family meal-the cradle of manners and civil behavior-one in three people eats his or her dinner in front of the television. The fashion industry is increasingly targeting guilty parents and their demanding children; it is not uncommon to see children wearing designer jeans and the latest trainers that they will soon grow out of.
(4)Pre-Christmas toy advertising is designed to strike terror into the hearts of parents and make their children even more demanding and greedy. Every office in the land harbors parents who are exasperated especially by boys who are arrogant, rude, boastful and undisciplined. (5)Many parents are too guilt-ridden or too bewildered by conflicting child-rearing advice to do anything other than wringtheir hands with worry. The language of civil rights has entered childhood. Children as young as six are now so keenly aware of their "rights" that they freely complain of "unfair" treatment by their elders.


【单选题】It is believed that (). A. overpopulation causes the problems in cities B. two-thirds of the world’ s population are living in cities today C. it isn’ t difficult to solve the problems faced by cities...

At no time in history has there been such a mass movement of people from countryside to city as is happening now. By the year 2030, it’ s estimated that more than two thirds of the word’ s population will be living in cities, twice as many as today. This means that the problems faced by cities to day-overcrowding, poor housing, unemployment, poverty, and lack of food water--will be twice as had in the next century, unless we find solutions soon.
Another serious issue is how to provide good transport to their citizens. Many world’ s major cities are already struggling with out-of-date transport infrastructures. How can they deal with the additional demands in the 21stcentury
London is a good example. It was the world’ s first big city--the first with a population of a mil lion people. Its enlargement was made possible by the invention of the steam engine, which powered the world’s first underground railway. But its transport systems are now hopelessly out-of-date, and need urgent modernization. London’ s future success depends very much on transport.
Over a million people travel into central London every day from outside the city. They, and the people who live in London, want a public transport system that is fragment, safe and environmentally friendly. What they often get, however, falls far short of that ideal. Commuters complain about disorder, cost and pollution, while businesses worry about the problems their staff have in getting to work on time. Yet, the proportion of London households that own a car grew from just over 10 per cent in the early 1950s to over 60 percent today.
As the city has become increasingly crowded and polluted, there has been a growing realization that action is needed.



